18; A million times yes.

487 18 3

'What's wrong?' She places two finger on my chin and lift up my face so I have to look at her. 'I- I don't know if I can fix what I've done..' 'But baby,' Baby, my heart jumps. 'You didn't do anything, do you think you are able to forget about it..?' I look at her, I really don't know, what if I screw up again, I am a jealous type.. I look down at our fingers that are playing with eachother. What if something like this will happen again, we can be so happy, we can be perfect together. I want to live with her in a cute little house.. I look back at her.



'I am so sorry for what happend Demi..' 'It's fine, seriously. But please don't ever leave like that again, you can ask me anything.' I nod and pull her into a hug. A tear rolls down over my face, it feels so right, but so wrong.. 'Are you ready for tonights show?' I nod, 'I totally am! Now I will start getting ready, see you before show.' I peck her lips, get up and start picking a outfit. I choose a black ripped skinny jeans, a black tanktop with 'F*CK' on it in white letters. For shoes I choose black boots, which make me 15 centimeter taller. I get a long white ripped wool vest and look into the mirror. 'Beautiful' I tell myself and go to the make-up and hair. 'Is it possible to cut my hair and dye it black?' 'Seriously?' the hairdresser seems surprised. My hair is now long, under my boobs, and light brown. 'Yes, is it possible?' He checks his watch, 'Sure! Lets start.' After my hair is done I go to the make-up. 'I love your hair! Did Demi see it already?' 'No, it's a surprise.' I smile, 'A dark smokey eye please.' She nods and start working. 'You look great, Demi will love it!' 'Thanks.' I walk out of the room, 'Demz?' 'Yess?' I hear from the other side of the door. 'Are you ready to see me?' 'What why? What did you do!' 'Don't worry, close your eyes!' 'Closed!' I open the door and slowly get in the room. I check my hair and make-up for a last time. 'Okay, open up.' She opens her eyes and her jaw drops. 'Jesus Liz..' 'Do you like it?' 'I love it! Let me take a picture of you!' she grabs her phone and I pose for the picture. 'I'm gonna post it on Instagram!' 'Let me see it first!' 'Too late.' 'Bitch, it better be a good picture or I'll kill you.' I open Instagram and look at it, 'Okay, I look fine.'

ddlovato: Lookkkkk!!!! How beautiful is my girlfriend!!!??? 😍😍😍😍❤️❤️❤️😝😝 #mine

I smile, 'I love you Demz' 'Love you too.' I screenshot the picture and repost it.

LizJane: What do you guys think of my new hair ?! 😝

'You look really badass, but beautiful in that picture' 'Awe, thanks babe.' 'Shall we take a selfie too, while you're still looking more perfect as usual?' 'Sure.' I get close to her and pose for the picture, we take for different ones. One where we're both smiling, one where Demi is touching her nose with her tongue and me making a kissing face, one where I kiss Demi's cheek and Demi doing a kissing face and one kissing picture. 'I'm gonna make a collage and post it.' Demi smiles wide at her phone and I just watch her smiling. 'Done' she says after like, fifteen minutes. 'That took you forever' I giggle. 'Don't laugh, it's beautiful tho' 'Let me see it.' It's a square photo, the background is a light pink color and the photo's are on different spots. 'We're cute' I say while giving back her phone, 'send it to me so I can post it.' 'Okayyy' I get the photo and post it on Instagram:
LizJane: the love of my life 💗

'Demi, you have to go to the clothes.' A man says and walks away right after telling us. 'I will see you later' she gives me a quick kiss and walks away. I sit down on a little chair we have in this changingroom and start reading the comments. I smile at some and decide to react to them. After twenty minutes my phone is so hot that it tells me to cool down so I quit reacting and shut it down. Demi walks in, she is wearing her 'usual' clothes but she's still sexy as fuck. 'Come over here' I say and bite my lip. She walks upto me and I get up, I wrap my hands around her waist and place my lips on hers. Our tongues fight like they haven't seen eachother in years, like they're scared to lose eachother. I smile through the kiss while thinking of the first time we kissed, it was different than now but still with so much passionate. I let my hands slide down to her, extremly sexy, ass. I squeeze her ass and she bites my lip as a sign to go on. With one hand I slowly move upto her breasts, I get under her shirt and I massage her breast. She moans a little and I smile, with the hand that's still on her ass I push her closer to me. I start kissing her jaw and make my way to her neck, I suck on her sweet spot and it makes her moan more, I guess I left a mark but I don't care. I kiss my way further down, I kiss her chest and go to her boob, I get my hand out of her shirt and go to her back to unzip it. I wait and look at her, she bites my lip and I grab the zipper, I do it slow. 'Unzip it already.' She breathes out, I smile and unzip it. I want to take it off but somebody knock the door. 'Wait a moment!' Demi screams and she turns around so I can close her shirt again, I sigh. 'We were about to make love to eachother' I mumble and sit down as Demi opens the door to see who it is. 'Are you girls ready for the show?' 'Is it that time already?!' She looks at me and I look at my phone, 'Crap' I say and jump up. 'We're coming' she says and close the door again. 'We will finish this later' she says and gives me a kiss. She opens the door again, 'Wait!' I say, almost screaming. 'What?!' she is shocked. 'I- ehm, I left a hickey.. Let me cover it.' She turns red, touches her neck and then follows me to the make-up. I get some foundation and start covering it up, 'Do you think Sugar saw it?' 'I don't know.. Maybe' I bite my lip, 'But he doesn't mind anyway so, it's fine even if he saw.' She nods and waits for me to finish. 'Okay this is the best I can.' she looks in the mirror. 'It's like, invisible!' I smile at her, 'Let's rock this show!' I peck her lips and take her hand. 'We're ready!' 'Okay, show in five minutes we gotta hurry.' 'No, we have to pray first, my lovatics will wait.' Sugar sighs but stays quiet. We walk to the side of the stage and the people are waiting for Demi to come to the circle, I never pray but I have this whole tour so I also join. Demi does her praying and then grabs a mic. 'I love you' she says and kisses me passionate. 'See you soon' she gets behind the stage and watch her come up, the crowd goes crazy. I just stand there and smile the whole time when I suddenly get a mic pressed into my hands. 'Oh, thanks' I look at Demi one last time, when I want to walk away she looks at me too. 'I love you' I mouth to her, she smiles and introduces me to the crowd.

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