12; Love.

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I laugh and wave at them, 'Goodniiigghhttt!!' They scream and I walk back into our hotel room, Demi follows me and she close the door. 'That was fun' I nod, 'Are they gonna leave or...?' 'Some, some will stand there the whole night, it's crazy' 'Yeah' 'But here it's still normal, when I was in Brazil I just couldn't sleep because of them..' 'Awe' 'Yeah, I love all my fans but sometimes I think, you know, they have to understand I want and need some privacy too..' 'Yesss' 'But I love touring and seeing my fans so I don't care and put in earphones and just try to get my rest.' 'Yeah, now I'm gonna sleep because I am tired and yeah' 'And you wanted to sleep an hour ago already. I know' I blush, 'Night' 'Night' I get in my bed and close my eyes. I hear Demi getting ready for bed and I open my eyes a little, I see her standing in her bra.. I quickly close my eyes again and I feel my cheeks turning red, what. I get a smile on my face, I have this feeling... This feeling that I had when I kissed Zach once, I liked him for 3 years and then he kissed me. I felt so happy, it felt so warm, so safe.. I never had that feeling again after that kiss, untill now and this wasn't even a kiss. I don't like her and she doesn't like me, she has a boyfriend. With that thought, I fall asleep.

'No, but-' she sighs, 'Is this my fault? Wilmer, don't do this. WILMER! Damn' She throws her phone away and she stars crying, she is sitting on her bed, hiding her head in her hands.. I "wake up" and act like I didn't heard a thing. 'Morning Demz' 'Morning' 'What's wrong?' 'Nothing' 'Demi, you can tell me what happend. I won't tell anyone' She sighs, 'It's over' 'What's over?' 'Between Wilmer and I, it's over and I don't know why' 'Oh Demi' I get out of my bed and wrap my arms arround her, 'It's going to be okay. We have a whole WORLD tour coming up and it's gonna be fun! You're better than him okay?' 'Three years... Gone.' 'Dem you deserve better than someone who breaks up by calling you. We are gonna have a lot of fun, together' My heart jumps and my cheeks turn red again, why do I have this feeling? 'Okay' She dries her tears and put her hair in a bun, 'Let's wave at some lovatics who are still down there' she smiles big. 'Okay' I pull on my sweatpants and follow her. We stand there for fifteen minutes and then I decide to take a shower.

'We have to go in ten minutes' 'I know, I am so excited!' 'I'm happy you are, I am to by the way, but this is your second time performing! I am excited for you!' I giggle. 'Liz' 'Yeah?' 'Come here' she hugs me and play with my hair, 'Thank you for everything' 'I love you' 'I love you too' Somebody knocks the door 'It's time Demetria' she rolls with her eyes, 'Demi is coming!' I giggle soft and follow her out. 'There are gonna be a lot of papz again, becarefull with walking and just keep you face in one position. You can smile but don't talk because the picture will be waaayyyy to awkward' I giggle, 'They are cute' she tries to look angry but she can't so we both laugh. 'Ladies, we have to go' 'Coming, coming' Demi is still laughing as we have to leave, 'Demetria Lovato, get that smile off your face' I say, trying to sound serious. She burst into laughing and I can't hold it anymore. 'LADIES' I pull on my pokerface and quickly walk to the car, 'That was easy' 'For you yeah' Demi wipes off her tears, still laughing. 'Demi, you're such a child' 'Me? Child? Who stood in her butterfly bra in the bathroom this morning?!' 'Demi!' I laugh and she rolls onto the ground because of laughing. Max is irritated and I try so hard to calm down but Demi's laugh is just so... funny. I burts into laughing again and I almost pee my pants, 'I- I have to peeee!' 'Pee? You have to... Pee?!' Demi laughs harder and harder and my stomach hurts so bad. 'Dem- Demi pl- PLEASE!' 'Whattt?' 'S- Sto- Stop with laughing, n- NOW!' 'Yes ma'am' she sits straight and plays with her phone, she stopped laughing but I can hear her letting out a giggle sometimes. I close my eyes and think of my mum, I miss her..

'Liza, Liz wake up!' 'What? Oh' I rub my eyes and look into two big brown shining eyes. 'It's only a twenty minute ride and you fall asleep.' She laughs, so she still has the laugh attacks. I feel one coming up but I sigh it away. 'We're here' Max turns arround and start talking, 'Girls, be serious now, don't answer questions and try not to move with your face. Okay. Okay. Move.' I pull on a little smile and I walk behind Demi, holding her hand tight. I hear the camera lighting flash more than a thousand times and I get the most weird and rude questions. I ignore it all and walk inside, it's the same building as yesterday so I know my way. I get dressed and than Jill walks in to do my make-up after doing that of Demi. Demi goes up first and when Jill's done with my make-up it's my turn to go on stage. It goes almost the same as yesterday except that my voice cracked, twice. Demi smiled at me and the crowd has gone crazy because of it but I hate it. I love it when Demi's voice cracks but if mine does I sound like a sick seal. Anyways, I really love performing with Demi, she is so happy and hyper when she's on stage. I enjoy that.. I had the 'feeling' twice today, I still don't know what it means but I hope it won't bother me. When I'm done I smile big and walk of stage. I go to the changingroom. 'Oh holy jesus. Max, you scared me' 'Oh sorry, I am waiting for Demi.' 'Her show has twenty minutes left.' 'I know, do you mind?' 'No ofcourse not' I pack my bag and take of my fake lashes. Max is playing on his phone, I don't know what he's going to say.. I lay down with a book and start reading.

'Heyyy!' I look up, 'Hey babe' 'Hey Max, why are you here?' she is completly out of breath and she is sweating. 'Well, I have to ask you something important..' 'Yeah sure, Liz come sit here' I walk upto her and she sits straight so I think she means I can sit on her lap. I sit on her lap, the feelings.. 'So' 'So, what's wrong?' 'Well, I won't do anything if you don't want me to.. But I can fly back to America and I can start living my dream in Norway..' 'Really?! Max that's A M A Z I N G!' 'But, don't you need me?' 'I'll find someone else, you have to live your dream! Ofcourse I'm gonna miss you but I want you to be happy!' she smiles and so does Max. 'I agree with Demi' I say and Max looks happy. 'My flight goes tonight, I'll bring you back to your hotel and I will call Sugar. He is very nice and he can stay with you here while you are walking through London and for your last show at KIKO. Maybe he can stay if you like him. Thank you so much Demi..' 'It's okay' she smiles again and then start with taking of her fake lashes and brushing her hais. We go home aka the hotel and Max calls a man called Sugar. 'He will be here in ten.' We nod. Someone knocks the door, it's to me to open it so I walk upto the door. 'Hello' 'Hi' The man is big and his face is kinda cute. He seems really nice. 'Come in' I say while stepping a side. He walk in and says hi to Demi and Max. 'I'm gonna leave now.. Thanks for everything Miss Lovato.' Demi's cheeks turn into a bright red colour and he hugs her tight. 'I hope you're gonna have a good time and if you ever need someone to look after you, just call me' 'It's okay Max.' I hug him too and then he leaves.. We talk a little with Sugar and he really seems to be nice. 'Okay, so that's done. I'll shop tomorrow with my bestfriendddd' she points at me, 'do you think that's okay?' Sugar nods, 'Yes sure' 'Oh and, before you call me Miss, Demetria, whatever, call me Demi' she smiles and he nods again. 'Now, we wanna sleep so.. Do you have a room?' 'Yes, the one next to this one' 'Okay good, goodnight Sugar' 'Night Demi. Night Liza' 'Night' I smile, I turn around to Demi, 'Shop? Are you kidding?' 'Close your mouth, and yes, forever 21 is amazing. Oh and topshop too! Superdrug for some make-up and we can go look for a chanel bag' 'Demi...' 'I'll pay, don't worry' 'But-' 'Shh, I said don't worry! I don't care and I just have to shop!' 'Okay okay, now we should sleep and get up early tomorrow' 'Yesssss' We get ready and then go to bed.

" BABY WHEN THEY LOOK UP AT THE SKY. WE'LL BE SHOOTI-" 'SHUT IT!' 'Oops, sorry!' I quickly turn off my phone and turn back to Demi. 'I forgot I had that as alarm.. Sorry' 'It's okay' 'It's shoptimeeee' 'Yess! I'm excited and I just LOVE london!' 'I've never been here before...' 'Well, you're gonna love it too' she winks, gets out of her bed and go to the bathroom. Five minutes later I hear the shower. I lay on my back and stare up, do I love Demi? I don't know, the feelings that I feel, ofcourse, she is pretty as hell but, in love.... I set it off my mind and start changing, I'll take a shower tonight. We leave to Oxford street and my jaw drops when I walk into Topshop. 'Cool...' 'Yeah, I love this.. Come, let's go downstairs and shop some nice clothessssss.' 'Yessss' We just can shop and nobody is staring at us or wants to take pictures, Demi and I take some selfies and I found some really nice clothes. 'Thanks Dem' 'No prob' She hugs me everytime we get out of a shop and we bought something, I love her. I just fucking love her.

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Authors note: Hey babe's, sorry for not updating. I've been to London and I just was busy. I hope y'all like this and don't forget to press the little star in the middle of the screen (on the bottom). Love you xo.

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