3; Wait, WHAT?

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'Liz, maybe we can eat something. I am tired!' I laugh 'But we are only shopping for 3 hours' she raise her eyebrow and then laugh too. 'So where do you wanna eat?' 'Mmh maybe we can eat by subway?' I nod, 'Yesss, I haven't eat that since, a long time.' She laughs. We walk to a subway and order our subs. 'T, T see you that boy?' I whisper , she turns arround 'isn't he cute oh my god' 'He is oh jesus' we giggle. We eat our sub and try to look at the boy without getting noticed... He stands up and we are staring at him with our jaws dropped, he notice and he smiles at us. 'Oh. my. god. He smiled at us!' 'Yes because we were staring at him like we are crazzzyyy!' 'But we are crazy!' we laugh and go back shopping, I really missed this. Since I am busy with school and T with her exams we didn't had any time to do things together. T is done with her exams now and I have more free time because of that project thingy. I love her so much. 'Hey, this thing is cute isn't it?' she holds up a cute T-shirt with pink flowers on it. 'It is cute! And it is typical you!' She giggle's 'It is' 'Well this is deep for a T-shirt' she's holding a shirt with 'Never give up on love.' I smile, 'Yeah...' We continue our shopping day for 3 more hours and them we are so tired that we decide to go home, with 13 full bags with clothes. 'This day was awesome' 'It was!' 'Did you guys buy much?' 'Mom you don't wanna know!' We laugh. 'We don't have to buy anything new for the next 20 years!' 'Oh so you can save money now' 'Mommmmm' T laughs and looks at me with a grin on her face. 'Why are you looking like that?' 'Because your mom said that you could save money now, but you can't save it. It's like a challenge.' 'I CAN save money! If I want to...' We all laugh and continue our dinner. 'Do you wanna stay here tonight?' 'Yes please, people are in my house now, it have to get saled...' 'Yeah' 'I don't know what I am going to do but I will worry about that later' 'You can stay here, you know that right?' She nods, 'Now I wanna sleep because I am soooo tired!' 'Agreeeeee!' I kiss her cheek and say her goodnight then I turn off the lights.

MARCH 5th.

I sigh and open my eyes, I am blinded by the sunlight coming through the window. Shit, how late is it I have to work! I search for my phone, 12PM! 'Fuckkk!' I hear Tay mumble something 'I have to work and I am late bye' I whisper to her and she just turns arround. I hurry me to the bathroom and put on some mascara and to the rest of the things you do in the morning. I run to my bike and cycle as fast as I can, almost there and 4 minutes left. I am out of breath but I am in time. Now I work for 6 hours and I get $60 for that. Maybe I can work one more hour... I want to ask my boss but he is so busy that I can't ask it so I just go home after 6 hours. 'I'm back home!' I walk to my room and see Tay laying on my bed with her laptop. 'Hi Liz, how was work?' 'Normal' I walk to the wall where the calender is and I set a cross through the 1 week. '6 days...' 'I know, are you nervous yet?' 'I am!! Aren't you?' 'Ofcourse I am! We're going to meet Demi Lovato!' Again we act like little girls and we laugh at eachother because we are such fangirls. 'Girls! We eat pizza tonight' My mom walks in, 'I won't be home because I have a party but you be together right?' We nod. 'Okay, bye' and she is gone. T and I watch Demi Lovato Funny moments on youtube and after 3 video's we get out pizza and then continue watching the video's. 'Liz, how many money do you have left?' 'Erm arround $40 for the concert and $80 just for shopping and stuff. We shopped so much yesterday that I don't need more clothes for the tour, I have now... What about you?' 'Yeah I found my outfit too and I have $45 left for the tour. We can buy a T-shirt there' she grins. I laugh, 'yeah we should' Now she is laughing too. 'But T, it's already 1PM. We have to sleep...' I nod and get out of my bed to turn out the lights. 'Tomorrow It's 5 more days' I whisper to Tay. 'Yes, I am so happy about that' 'Me too, goodnight.' 'Night'

MARCH 6th.

'Liza, Taylor wake up. I have a surprise' I turn arround and look at my mom with sleepy eyes. 'What' T wakes up too and she looks even more sleepy than me. 'We are going to New York till the tour, we will stay in a hotel. You can pack your bags now. We leave at 1AM' I sit straight in my bed and smile at my mom, 'thanks mom' 'Thanks miss' 'No problem loves' We pack our bags and Tay makes us breakfast. In the car I put on Here We Go Again and Tay and I sing with it. 'We're almost there!' 'Yayyy!' 'Mom, what hotel is it?' 'A very special hotel, you'll see tonight why it is special okay?' 'Okay' We arrive at out hotel and we get inside. The girl behind the desk is really nice and she gives us our room key. We take the elevator to the 11th floor and open the hotelroom. 'Woowww!' 'This room is like a paradise!' my mom smiles, 'Yeah' 'So mom. It's already 6PM, can we know why it's special yet?' 'No, one more hour' We watch television and I am a little on my phone, I scroll through my timeline and see a tweet from a fan account.

'@demilovatonews:* LQ- demi lovato arriving at her hotel in New York, march 6th. { picture }'

I smile at the picture because she is so cute, I can't believe she's turning 22 this year... 'Why are they screaming outside?' 'I don't know' I stand up and walk to the balcony, there are a lot of people down there.. 'Look' There is a big black car and some people are screaming when the door opens, I see a person quickly getting inside. My mom giggles, 'what?' 'This is your special thing' 'What is it?' 'Just wait and refresh your twitter' Tay walks back inside and gets her phone, 'how is this hotel called?' My mom says it and I am still looking down. 'Oh. My. God! This can't be true!!!' I turn arround, 'What T? TAYLOR TELL ME WHATS GOING ON?!' 'DEMI STAYS IN THIS HOTEL TOO!' 'NO WAYY! MOM??!' My mom nods, 'cool isn't it?' We scream and walk back to the balcony, so the people down there are lovatics... 'Mom but how did you know?' 'Thats a secret, I hope yoh get the change to see her' she smiles and Tay and I scream again. 'DEMI LOVATO IS STAYING IN THE SAME HOTEL AS US FOR 5 DAYSSSS!!!' My mom laughs at us, then goes to the bathroom to take a shower. I am so happy. That this is happening, it feels like I am dreaming...


* this is just a random name, i don't know if this is a real fanaccount.

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