Chapter 11: Caught in the Rain

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Lucy POV
As I walked through the town it started raining. Huh... How appropriate.... With everything that's been happening lately it's fitting that it would rain. I thought sadly. My mind drifted back to the clueless look on Natsu's face and I felt tears blaze their way down my cheeks. Idiot... Stupid Salamander,he's such a moron.... Why am I even wasting my tears on him? It's not worth it. I thought dully as I whipped my eyes. Just then I noticed a woman in a long blue dress with her royal blue hair under a matching hat and a pink umbrella held above her head.
"Drip, drip drop." She said in a monotone. I froze staring at her as more tears beaded up at the corners of my eyes.
"J-J-JU-CHAAAAN!" I shouted as I tackled her into a hug as tears streamed down my face.
"L-Lucy-san h-how many time have I said not to call me that?!" She asked while trying to push me off. I rubbed my head on her shoulder crying,
"I missed you Ju-chan! I wish I could've brought you with me~!" Then I froze and took a huge step back.
"You're here.... You're with Phantom.... You people attacked my guild, my friends!" I started feeling rage building up inside me and reached for my keys.
"Non,non,non!" A familiar, chilling voice said from behind her. "My dear princess we have come to collect you on the behalf of your father." Messieurs Sol, the be-monoclonaled man that the voice belonged to, said chidingly.
"AS IF! HE KNOWS I'D NEVER COME BACK! SO HE SHOULD JUST ACCEPT IT! I'M STAYING IN FAIRY TAIL AND THAT'S FINAL!" I shouted, my hatred and anger filling my voice. I pulled out a key and held it in front of me preparing to summon the spirit but as I opened my mouth Juvia held out her hand towards me and shouted,
"WATER LOCK!" A giant bubble surrounded me and I clamped my mouth shut in an attempt to hold my breath. After a little while my vision started to blur and I felt my grip on my key loosening. With my remaining strength I stashed it away so that I'd be able to use it later. I looked over at Juvia who refused to meet my eyes.
"J-J....chan....." I mumbled before losing consciousness.
Juvia POV
I clenched my eyes shut in pain as I looked at my unconscious friend.
"I'm sorry.....Lu-chan..." I whispered.

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