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Ok, here's the deal, I really loved writing this (even though I got major writer's block and had to stop writing it for a while) and I wouldn't mind continuing it in one form or another. That being said, I want to leave how I continue it to you guys, should I not mess with a good ending and make bonus chapters for things like the Element Four battles and Lucy's childhood? Or should I make a sequel? If I make a sequel I'll be keeping with the Dragon Slippers trend, I'm not going to lie, writing something to go along with the second book is going to be a bit harder but I do have some ideas. It's up to you guys though.
Here's how I'm going to let you pick:
In the comments type A for sequel or B for bonus chapters, if you don't pick either then we'll let sleeping dragons lie and end with the last chapter. I'll be taking votes until February 5th.

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