Chapter 17: Where it All Went Wrong

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Lucy POV
Natsu groaned and muttered, "Fine, fine I'll do it already..." I looked at him in confusion as he turned to face me.
"Natsu...?" I murmured as he let go of my hand and fidgeted nervously. There was a long pause where he refused to meet my eyes and I couldn't help but feel worried.
" Luce, I have something I need to tell you- mostly because Happy is blackmailing me but whatever- I.... ugh why is this so hard......" he growled walking a pace away from me before taking an obvious deep breath and turning and walking back to stand inches away from me.
"I think.... I think I love you, THERE YA HAPPY?!" He said glaring at Happy who was still flying off to the side who nodded with a sly grin. I just stood there frozen as I processed what I had just heard. Huh...... I'm not sure what's going on but I think I'm happy....... I thought numbly as a brilliant smile spread across my face. Natsu turned back to me and I immediately tackled him into a hug.
"Lucy...?" He murmured as his arms hesitantly wrapped around my waist.
"I love you too, you idiot dragon." I whispered feeling him stiffen as I did so. His arms tightened around me and I could tell he was smiling. We stayed like that for a while before Happy reminded us that we had been heading back to the guild.
"Jeez, do you want us to have a moment or to hurry back, make up your damn mind!" Natsu complained as he picked me up.
"H-hey!" I yelled and he looked down at me, his wings spreading out behind him.
"It's faster this way." He said simply, a childish grin spread across his face. I rolled my eyes as I allowed a small smile to overtake my surprise. We flew back to the guild and Happy caught me up on what happened after my capture. Master........ I thought feeling guilty. Once we finally arrived and Natsu put me down we made our way to the basement where we found everyone in full battle mode.
"Hand me a couple of those explosive lacrimas!"
"Laxus, it's all hands on deck! Find Mystogan on your way back!"
"I can't find my cards!"
"Someone go stop Erza, she's on a warpath!" I stared at the pure utter chaos before me and Natsu gently lead me over to an open seat.
"Sit here, I'll go see if I can get Erza to calm down so we can figure out a plan." He said softly and I nodded feeling myself be overwhelmed by shame and guilt.
"And, hey, none of this is your fault Luce, you have to remember that" he said searching my eyes for recognition. I blinked, suddenly finding it very hard to think and nodded, a small smile forcing its way onto my face. He kissed my forehead and headed off asking Nab where his sister was before walking off. He's right..... this is because of my father, not me. I can't take the blame for his mistakes and-HEY DID HE JUST-?! OH I'M GOING TO KILL THAT DRAGON!!! I thought as realization hit me. He hypnotized me! Again! I swear to God when I get my hands on that little- I was broken out of my thoughts by a deafening roar from outside. Everyone raced outside to see a familiar red dragon.
"Natsu.....NATSU!" I yelled waving my arms over my head. His head swung to look at me and I froze, seeing his dark eyes blank and glassy. He reared his head back and I stared in horror as he breathed a gigantic fireball in my direction.
"GET DOWN!" I heard Erza yell and suddenly I was tackled to the ground as a pair of scarlet, leathery wings wings shielded me. The wings withdrew and I looked up to see Erza glaring at Natsu.
"So.... you lost the scarf...." she said in a dangerously calm tone. I nodded, still lying flat on the ground feeling myself shaking with sadness and terror.
"He was going to find you to give you an update, but hang on! Why aren't you being affected?" I asked pushing myself up. She glanced at me and said, "Our mother, Irene, specialized in enchantments. She made me immune to the scarf's control." She said simply leaving me with more questions than answers.
"Then why did it seem like you were affected when I had it, and why does it affect Natsu?" I asked shaking my head. She sighed and said, "When Zeref made the scarf he enchanted it specifically for his bloodline and their descendants, no matter how powerful my mother was she wouldn't have been able to overcome Zeref's magic by herself. And as for why it affects Natsu, our mother died giving birth to him, and our father Igneel just wasn't able to use the enchantment." I stared up at Natsu, who was still rampaging as the rest of the guild tried to stop him from destroying what was left of the guildhall.
"Wait!" I yelled realization dawning on me. 
"If it's not affecting you then that means that my father doesn't have the scarf!" Erza gave me a confused glare and I explained, "If he doesn't have it that means it's still with Phantom! We can get it back!" Erza's eyes widened and a bright smile spread across her face.
"EVERYONE REGROUP! LUCY HAS A PLAN!" She bellowed waving everyone over. While some of us continued  to deal with Natsu I explained about the Element Four, Jose's personal guard, and how we would need to deal with them.
"Gray, you take down Juvia, she uses water magic so you're our best chance. Erza you have Aria, he's strong but with your abilities, especially speed,his drain will be useless. Unfortunately we can't send Natsu to fight since he's clearly out of comission-" Erza cut me off.
"My mother had notebooks focusing on Zeref and the scarf, considering your connection to him it's possible that you might be able to undo Jose's control over Natsu if you had the right materials." My eyes widened and I nodded seriously.
"Tell me what I need and I'll do it." I said determination filling my words. She made a 'later' gesture and I continued my explanation.
"Elfman, I'm pretty sure that your take over magic will be enough for Sol, but just in case make sure you have backup ok?" I asked with a level stare. He nodded and,with Natsu on our tails, we all headed off towards the capital: Erza, Gray, Elfman and-to my surprise- Mirajane all headed for Phantom's headquarters while Happy and I went off to find Erza's mother's collection in Erza's cave. Time to go home.... I thought grimly as Happy flew in the direction of Crocus.

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