Chapter 14: Story Time: Part 2

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3rd POV
Jose settled into a chair and looked at Lucy with a half-serious, half-amused expression.
"Many years ago this kingdom was torn apart by a war between dragons and humans. Eventually the leaders of both sides agreed to meet with the other to discuss peace.-" he began before being cut off by Lucy.
"I know all that! Not only did I learn it from my tutors but great-grandpa August never shut up about how his father barely survived the dragon queen going berserk." She said glaring at him. He heaved a sigh and replied,
"Well, clearly you don't know the whole story princess, or else we wouldn't be here right now would we?" She balked, not knowing how to respond since she still wasn't clear on why they were there to begin with.
"Anyway as I was saying, they met to discuss peace, but unfortunately for the dragon queen your great grandfather was a skilled mage and black magic user. Once she arrived at the meeting place that they had agreed upon he used his magic to attack her. She tried to fight back but in the end, she fell." He continued causing Lucy to clap a hand over her mouth in horror.
"Once she was dead, the king took a swath of her scales and applied some of his magic to it. Eventually he was able to turn the scales into something more palatable: that scarf." He said pointing to her. Lucy looked at it, the thing that had brought her so much comfort suddenly filling her with unease and disgust. Despite the fact that she was clearly overwhelmed by the information he had given her thus far Jose continued,
"Once he returned to the kingdom he informed his army that the dragon queen had gone berserk and attacked him. His forces immediately took up arms, prepared to fight the dragons once again but he told them to instead allow him to go alone. Because you see as I already told you, he had applied some of his magic to the scarf. He enchanted it so that any order given by its wearer to a dragon would be immediately obeyed, to put it into simpler terms, that scarf you're wearing can control all dragons." Jose settled back into his chair and looked at Lucy who had gone totally still. It all makes sense now...... everytime Natsu tried to steal it, the fact that he and Erza always do what I tell them.... it's all because of this. She thought looking down at her scarf.

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