Chapter 15: A Daring Escape

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Lucy POV
How could I not have known? Why didn't anyone tell me- I thought before a memory flew to the surface of my mind. The second time Natsu tried to steal the scarf he told me I didn't know what I was dealing with. I kicked myself realizing that he was right. I should never have taken this stupid thing, I should have just taken what Erza gave me and left before I accessorized why did I bother doing that anyway?! How shallow can I possibly be?! I continued to glare down at the floor, tears welling up in my eyes. Then as I stood there my back to the window I paused. I thought of all the things that have happened since I met Erza and all the things that happened because of my scarf: I met Natsu, I joined Fairy Tail, and I started to feel proud about my magic. If I'd never taken this, I'd never have joined Fairy Tail, I may never have even thought of it, not to mention my father might have discovered that this scarf was in Ezra's lair. Besides... it's the whole reason I met Natsu....." I thought my eyes softening as my tears dried. Then, with sudden resolve, I looked up at the heinous man before me and said,
"Is there any chance you could let me go? I really need to use the restroom!" I fidgeted slightly as a way to make my point. He sighed and rubbed his forehead saying,
"Now princess, I know you aren't stupid enough to think that would work. I mean after all it's the oldest trick in the book." I fidgeted more and decided to use another "old trick".
"I'm sure my father wouldn't approve of you guys mistreating me, after all you went to the trouble of putting me in such a nice room, so he must have told you something about how I should be treated." I said smiling uncomfortably. He made a 'tch' sound and gestured to a bucket near the bed.
"I'll turn around, I am still a gentleman." He said with a petulant satisfaction. My eyes widened but I started to move as though I was actually going to use it. He grimaced in suprise and hurriedly turned around muttering under his breath about my being crass. Once he had his back to me I drove my leg upward crashing my foot right between his legs yelling,
"There's a reason why old tricks are still in the book you creep!" I made my way to the window and flung it open before adding,
"It's because they work." I paused for a moment as wind whipped my hair around my face.
"Ah... did I....forget to mention how high up we are...?" He asked in a strained voice. I looked down at the ground, it was stories away and I could tell that if I landed there was a good chance that I wouldn't survive. I took a deep breath glared back at Jose defiantly and jumped. Air rushed past me as I squeezed my eyes shut. If what he said was true, and if I'm right about this.... then I know he'll come...... he has to. I thought desperately before screaming,
"NATSU!!!!!!!" At that exact same moment I heard a faint but familiar voice yell,
"Lucy!!!!" And all at once I was being held by strong, tan arms and both of us were hurtling sideways. He turned around so that he would take the fall as his wing closed around us protectively. We crashed into a low ruin wall and I sighed in relief as he pressed his face into my shoulder and murmured,
"I made it......"

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