Chapter 13: Story Time: part 1

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Lucy POV
I groaned and looked around as I found myself waking up in a well furnished room.
"Well, well look who's finally awake. I must admit princess, I was beginning to fear that our dear rain woman might have killed you." I looked around to see Lord Jose, the head of Phantom- better known as my father's personal guards.
"Jose! What is the meaning of this?! I demand to know why you have been attacking Fairy Tail and what my father wants with me." I ordered him glaring imperiously. He faked a now and said,
"Gladly your highness, you see Fairy Tail was just a means to an end! When you have insects standing between you and what you want, you just have to step on them until you get to it." His mouth twisted into a sadistic smile and I couldn't help but feel a mix of terror and rage. He laughed as I trembled slightly and continued,
"As for your father, well you can imagine his surprise when he learned that not only was his daughter still alive but had joined up with a group of ruffians? Not to mention the fact that she was using her magic, even though he had expressly forbidden her to do so. I mean, really can you blame him for wanting to put an end to that farce you called freedom? After all, you have something of his and he wants it back." I blanched at this response. I have something of his? What is he talking about? I thought feeling confused.
"What do you mean, I understand the whole overbearing father part don't get me wrong, but 'you have something of his'? What on earthland could I possibly have of his? Everything I own I've either bought with my own earnings as a Fairy Tail wizard or was given by a friend. Nothing I own has anything to do with him." I asserted my confusion blending into anger. He raised an eyebrow and asked,
"Are you really playing dumb my dear? You and I both know that that scarf is the property of your family, and therefore him." I blinked feeling totally confused. I shook it off though and reached up to grip my scarf, its scale like surface giving me strength.
"That's a lie, I got this as a gift from my friend Erza, from what I can tell it had been a part of her hoard- I mean collection for a long time. My father had nothing to do with it." I said glaring at him. It was his turn to pause, he stared at me in confusion and asked,
"Are you honestly telling me that you don't know?" My glare deepened and I asked,
"Don't know what?" He stared at me for a moment before starting to laugh. It was a small chuckle at first but it quickly escalated into full on hysterical laughter. I shrank back in fear as he continued to laugh. Slowly his laughter began to subside and he leered down at me.
"Well princess, it would appear that I will have to inform you about that dear little trinket of yours." He said with a sick grin.

Happy Christmas and holidays!🎄 Sorry to ruin your day with this super creepy chapter 😅😅😅

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