Chapter 9: Prelude to War

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Lucy POV
I walked into my new apartment with Plue, one of my spirits, only to find Natsu and the others in my room.
"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" I shouted bristling slightly.
"Considering the fact that Phantom is still most likely in town we all thought it would be best to stick together, Natsu and Happy wanted to keep you safe, Gray thought Natsu was going to do something stupid and I refuse to allow these two boys to be alone with you so we all came." Erza explained matter of factly. I sighed in defeat knowing that there was no point to arguing with her logic.

(Meanwhile 3rd POV)
Team Shadow Gear of Fairy Tail walked through the town on their way to the place they'd be staying for the night when a shadow swooped down on them from above.
(Back to Lucy her POV)
After everyone had gotten ready for bed I extinguished the light lacrimas that lit my home and crawled into bed. Just as I was settling in and starting to fall asleep someone else came under the covers and I opened my eyes to glare at Natsu.
"What do you think you're doing?" I asked quietly so as not to wake up the others who were already asleep.
"I'm protecting you what does it look like I'm doing?" He asked cocking an eyebrow.
"It looks like you're sneaking into my bed!" I hissed jabbing a finger against his chest. He was silent for a minute before wrapping his arms around me and burying his face in my hair saying,
"You're precious to me Luce, Igneel knows why, but you are and I can't bare to think that something might happen to you just because it was the one time I wasn't by your side. Maybe I'm just being protective because dragons jealously protect what's precious to them but.... I never want anything to happen to you. The thought of that scares me half to death... So please... Let me stay by your side so that I can protect you, ok?" My mouth hung open as I processed what he just said. After a moments thought I returned his embrace snuggling against his shoulder and in a voice that was nearly inaudible I mumbled,
"Ok..." With that I fell asleep feeling warmth radiating off of his body.
(Time skip to the next day)
After hearing that something had happened to Team Shadow Gear we forced our way through the park at the center of Magnolia where we found them hanging from the tree in the center of the park. Tears leaked from my eyes as I looked at them.
"Levy-chan...." I whimpered staring at my new friend as she hung, practically crucified by iron cuffs pinning her arms at the wrists with the Phantom Lord symbol on her stomach. Master Makarov made his way through the crowd and when he was close enough for me to see his face my blood ran cold. Written clearly on his face was unmistakable rage, and what he did next only confirmed my greatest fear. He shattered his staff in his hand before shouting the three words I feared most,

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