Chapter 18: Full Circle

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Lucy POV
Happy finally landed outside of Erza's cave and I, to my great dismay noticed that not only had Natsu followed us but there were seven other dragons flying around Phantom's headquarters. I gasped as I layed eyes on a torturously familiar black dragon.
"Acnalogia....." I breathed suddenly feeling very small and scared. Seeing how the dragon who tore apart my world was here, in the capital, following Jose's will. I paused, placing a hand against the outside of the cave walls.
"Who would have thought that I'd be back where it all started...." I murmured my eyes hardening.
"Especially when I specifically swore never to come back to the capital...." I growled.
"Lucy......" Happy mumbled looking up at me with sad eyes. I glared back at the massive black dragon who ate my mother and thought, I don't want to help him..... but I can't allow Jose to continue like this, no way! With newly hardened resolve I turned and ran into the cave with Happy close behind.
(Short time skip)
"By the way, Happy!" I called as we sifted through the mire of clothes that filled Erza's home.
"Yeah Lushi?" He responded, his voice muffled by a pile of dresses.
"How did you manage to pressure Natsu into confessing? I mean I didn't expect him to even think about it." I asked wading my way over to a desk.
"I told him that if he didn't I'd tell Erza he disobeyed a direct order! Besides I've never seen two friends kiss as often as you guys!" He exclaimed surfacing for air. My face started to burn but I ignored it, going through the desk until I saw what looked like a thick, leather bound folder tied closed with twine. I motioned for Happy who, after a very long struggle to dislodge himself, flew over and scratched the twine loose before snatching it away and going to play with it.
"What can you do?" I mumbled laughing at the blue cat. I opened the folder and immediately was met with the words: Anti-Zeref enchantments and basic information on the curse of E.N.D. 'The curse of E.N.D?' What the hell is that?! I wondered flipping through until I found myself at a page entitled Cursed scarf protection. I looked through the drawers in the desk until I found two pens, a light pen and a normal one. Uncapping the normal pen I copied down the necessary steps and ingredients for the spell onto my arm. Then I tucked the light pen into my pocket and turned to go.
"Happy I got what we need, let's-what the hell?!" I exclaimed seeing him on his back tied up.
"It just kinda happened...." he shrugged struggling with the string. I sighed and released him before we made it to the edge of the cave. Looking around we saw Natsu flying outside of the Phantom Lord headquarters.
"I need you to fly me over to him and drop me on his back." I said pointing to the red dragon I had come to love. Happy nodded and replied, "AYE, SIR!" Before latching onto my back, his claws nicking me through my clothes, and flying at his top speed towards Natsu. As we sailed through the air towards him a large explosion rang through the city from Phantom's headquarters and the, already panicked, citizens began to scream and riot.
"Look at what Phantom is causing! This is mass hysteria! First all the dragons then an explo- oh no wait, that's just Erza...." I sighed sweat dropping as I saw my red haired friend standing in a gaping hole in the side of the building. Going overboard again I see. I thought with a fond smile. Unfortunately I didn't have time to enjoy the moment, or consider the cost of all the damage, as a massive claw swiped down at us as we neared our target. Happy deftly dodged it but barely managed to avoid the burst of fire that came our way.
"Happy, fly straight up and throw me onto his back, then get as far away as possible, I can handle the next part on my own!" I yelled over the wind screaming in my ears.
"Aye!" He responded before launching me with all of his strength onto Natsu's scaly back.
"Oof" I gasped as I slammed into a spine. I groaned but held on tightly as he began to buck wildly, flaming in every direction as he tried to get me off.  Don't worry Natsu, I'm coming. I thought determination filling me as I got  to my feet shakily and made my way to his head. Once I was there I gripped onto a spine on his neck, getting out the light pen. Then I took a deep breath and began to write.

A/N: Hey! So I've been thinking and I might end up making a sequel to this if anyone is interested. Let me know in the comments if you are!

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