Chapter 10: Forgettable

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Lucy POV
Everyone was in the basement of the guild waiting for Master's signal to head out. While we waited Natsu, Gray and I were telling embarrassing stories about ourselves to get to know each other better, well I was doing it to get to know them better they just wanted excuses to make fun of each other.
"....and then Happy started crying because he thought I ate all his fish but I'm just lying there while Sis dusts off her hands smirking!" Natsu said laughing. Gray started smacking the table and I was holding my stomach guffawing. Once we were all breathing normally Gray nodded to me saying,
"Alright Lucy, most shocking/ embarrassing thing that's ever happened to you."
"Where should I start?" I asked with a laugh as I bit my lip and tried to think.
"Oh I know! The second time Natsu tried to take my scarf," I started as Natsu started rubbing the back of his head abashedly "I'd just learned that he was a dragon and I was trying my hardest to avoid looking at and listening to him because of all the stories about dragons hypnotizing unsuspecting people, not to mention that he'd already tried to do so to me." At this Gray smashed his fist into the back of Natsu's head yelling at him for being an idiot.
"I said I was sorry, didn't I Luce?" Natsu said desperately trying to defend himself.
"That you did, but back to the story, since I was adamantly refusing to pay him really any mind and he clearly wasn't going to take no for an answer he actually stole my first kiss to catch me off guard- which totally worked." I laughed embarrassedly rubbing the back of my head while Gray and Natsu, who had a blush that matched his hair painted across his face, stared at me with their mouths hanging open slightly. Gray, being the first to recover, hit Natsu in the arm saying,
"What the hell man?! Why didn't you tell me you kissed her?!" Natsu just flapped his mouth like a fish without water before replying,
"I honestly have zero recollection of doing that." For some reason at this I felt something in me break.
"Huh! Well I'm sorry that stealing my first kiss was such a forgettable experience for you." I said bitterly with my bangs hiding my stinging eyes before getting up and forcing my way out of the guild.

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