Chapter 16: Let's Go Home

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Natsu POV
I laid on my back for a moment catching my breath. I gripped Lucy protectively and sighed into her shoulder,
"I made it...." I slowly began to shift so that the two of us were sitting and buried my face in the crook of her neck, ignoring the scaly surface of the scarf and just taking in her scent, just confirming that she was really ok, that I'd really saved her in time. I grinned and hugged her tighter in relief.
"I made it, your safe now Luce." I repeated, more for my own sake than hers. Then I moved to lean back and get a look at her face, just to make sure that they hadn't hurt her or anything but she wrapped her arms around me and pulled me back into the hug. That's when I noticed the wetness on my shoulder where she was resting her head and I felt that she was trembling. I punched myself mentally for not noticing sooner and I was about to ask if she was alright when she started talking,
"I used to be so afraid of everything, I was even scared of having emotions because I thought it would just get me hurt, I locked myself away and built up walls against the world to protect me. But then I met Erza, joined Fairy Tail and I got to become friends with you. For once I had accepted who and what I was as a mage and I was actually able to get a little stronger. I've made friendships to last me a lifetime and I-.... I was even able to fall in love, as much as I hate to admit it." I perked up at this last part and made a mental note that there was someone in the guild I might have to eat while Ezra's away next. She took a shaky breath still not releasing her grip and continued,
"I never want to have to leave.... Fairy Tail has become my home but I-" she broke off choking with sobs. Leave Fairy Tail? What is she saying? I thought suddenly feeling panicked. I forced myself free of her grasp and looked her right in the eye.
"Lucy, listen to me. You're never going to have to leave, ok? No matter what happens you will always be welcome in Fairy Tail!'s not like any of us would let you leave anyway." I said grinning. She gave me a tearful smile and hugged me again.
"Thanks Natsu." She said before pulling away. Then she reached up and removed her scarf.
"I want you to have this, now that I know what it is it's only fair." She said holding it out to me. I stared at it for what felt like forever before shaking my head.
"If I'm being honest Luce, I feel like it's safer with you, besides you got it from Erza and I don't want to know what she'll do if she finds out that you gave it away." I said smiling as she laughed. Suddenly a blur of black and white rushed between us and snatched the scarf from her outstretched hand. Our heads snapped up to follow it and we saw that it was being held by a winged black cat.
"What the-?!" I yelled and made to run after it when I paused looking back at the scandalized Lucy. I sighed and knelt back down in front of her.
"Oh well, I guess he's too far for us to catch him now, huh?" I asked smiling awkwardly. She just looked up at me her eyes covered by the film of a fresh set of tears.
"But-" she started to protest but I cut her off.
"We can burn that bridge when we get to it, what matters right now is getting you home." I said holding a hand out to her. She wiped her eyes and said, "That's not how the phrase goes Natsu..." I shrugged as she took my hand.
"Whatever, let's go home, ok?" I asked and she nodded. Just as we were turning to leave Happy flew in front of us with crossed arms.
"Ah-hem!" He exclaimed pointedly and I sighed.
"Are you really going to make me do this here?" I asked gesturing around us with my free hand. He nodded vehemently and I groaned.

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