Chapter 19: A Dangerous Game

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3rd POV
Princess Lucy Heartfillia screamed as she was thrown across the room to rest at Lord Jose's feet. She cringed in pain as the vile man smiled down at her.
"Well done my boy! Though... now that I'm thinking of it, I don't suppose I can call you that can I wyrm?" Jose laughed looking at a catatonic Natsu, now in his human form. Jose stepped over the still whimpering Lucy,a sickening grin marring his face, and brought his hand across the dragon's face.
"The son of the mighty king of the fire dragons Igneel and the great dragon enchantress Irene Belserion, the so-called 'Salamander', reduced to nothing more than an obedient dog before me." He boasted wrapping his hand around the white scarf around his neck. he released it and grabbed Natsu by the throat while the dragon stared ahead of him blankly, his limbs limp and useless.
"You know, your family made a lot of trouble for people like me, those of us who got our titles and power from ending your kind. All that talk about 'integration' and 'coexistence', it makes me sick to think of all the disgusting beasts that walk among us, lucky for me your kind is truly hated in this kingdom. Because of that I was able to make a fortune in dragon slaying, not only that I became the right hand and personal protector of the king. So imagine my surprise when I heard that two notorious dragons were a part of the most famous mage guild in the kingdom, not only that but they were two of the most famous members, revered even! The thought sickens me to my core! The son and daughter of my greatest annoyances, becoming household names, bah! But well... look at you now Salamander, pathetic!" The man vented throwing Natsu to the ground in disdain. He rose again, showing no signs of feeling the abuse nor appearing to register the words spat at him.
"You know what Salamander? I think I might have the perfect way to get back at your sniveling parents. Seeing how your sister seems to be somehow immune to my control, and both of your nonsense spouting parents are dead, I think I'll just have to make do with ending your life." Jose proclaimed a cruel light glinting in his eyes.
"Now bow before me Salamander and accept your fate!" He exclaimed throwing his arms wide in a grand gesture, his cloak flapping around him. Natsu obediently knelt down, one fist against the stone of the floor, and his head bowed. Jose raised a hand high above his head, his dark magic taking form above his palm when a stuttering, pained voice behind him caused him to stop.
"Th-that's en-nough!" Lucy coughed as she struggled to her feet, grasping her side from pain. Jose glanced over to her, his magic still prepared to smite the kneeling Natsu.
"Black Steel, handle her." He roughly ordered and a rod of black iron crashed into the princess's back pinning her to the ground.
"Now where was I...? Oh right." The sick mage said returning to his prey.
"You hurt Lucy." The words ground out into the room, echoing off of the stone around them and freezing all but the speaker in place. The speaker of course being the now flame covered fire dragon kneeling before Jose. The stones cracked under the pressure of his fist Jose stared down at him in confusion, quickly turning to horror.
"Sorry Luce, you had a good plan, BUT I'VE HAD ENOUGH!" Natsu roared sending his fist upward into Jose's jaw.

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