A New Friend

177 7 2

Allie 2.0

Later that day Allie stepped inside the house, letting out a soft sigh as she shut the door behind her. "What a day..." She said quietly, tucking some of her light brown hair behind her ear with one hand. The brunette carefully set down a couple books on the table, before pulling her phone out of her purse. 'I wonder if I have to work a shift tonight... But I never got his phone number. So that means he has to call or text me.' She jumped slightly as her phone beeped. 'Who?' Allie opened the text.

??????- Hi, it's me Reina. From school today.
Allie- Oh, hi Reina! It was nice hanging out with you at lunch.
Reina- Yes it was. Usually with my condition most people stay far away from me.
Allie- Just because you are anorexic doesn't mean we can't be friends.
Reina- That really means a lot.
Allie- Sorry I kind of pushed my number onto you. I just know what it's like to be all alone.
Reina- It's okay. Feel free to message me more later but right now I have to go. Bye Allie.
Allie- See you tomorrow.

Allie closed the chat with Reina when suddenly her phone beeped again.

?????- Hey, Allie, it's Keegan, can you stop by the Four Leaf later? I want to introduce you to every one if you want I can pick you up.
Allie- Sure. I'll send you my address in one second. 
Keegan- K

Allie then sent her address, before leaving her purse and phone on the table. She ran up the steps, laid down in her makeshift bed and shut her eyes.

Original Allie

Allie's eyes snapped open, she practically threw the blankets off of her. She ran into the closet, pulling off her short shorts and tank top. The brunette put on a pair of jeans, a nice tank top, and a pair of boots. Her frail hands scrambled as she ran her fingers through her hair, pulling it back into a small bun. She let out a soft breath going into her bathroom and brushing her teeth, rinsing her mouth out with a bit of water. When there was a loud honk outside.

Allie blinked stepping over to the window. There was an old navy blue Ford truck, with a bit of rust here and there. The tail gate looked like it had seen it's better days. There in the drivers seat she could see Keegan's red hair.

Allie ran out of the room and down the steps, shoving her phone in her purse and slinging her purse over her shoulder. Walking to the front door shutting and locking it as she stepped outside. Not being able to help but smile as she walked up to Keegan's truck, only for him to return the soft smile.

"Looking fancy today, hm?" Keegan asked through the open window as he reached across opening the door for her.

"Well I'm meeting new people today aren't I?" Allie said as she got in the truck setting down her purse by her feet and shutting the door. She reached back to put on the seat belt but for some reason the seat belt was jammed and wouldn't move an inch.

"Whoa hold on." Keegan said as he unbuckled. He leaned across the seat being rather close to Allie. The red head began to fiddle with the seat belt. But managing to keep eye contact with her.

Allie blushed a bit. "Troublesome belt huh?"

"Very." The red head smirked at her.

Allie swore she could smell cologne, she could feel his breath, slowly seeming to get closer.

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