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Original Allie

"Yup. Love you mom bye." Allie said with a forced smile as she shut and locked the door as soon as her mother left. The brunette leaned her forehead against the door for a moment sniffling slightly as she rubbed the small cut on her cheek. 'I'm so glad that is over with... I never expected for her to wear.. That dress while she's pregnant... I think her job had went to her head... I never expected her to hit me that hard for bringing up my dad in his own house... Pour Nate looked terrified.. If only he knew about her snaps from reality.'

Allie slowly stepped away from the door her hand drifted off the knob then to her pocket. She slipped out her phone and opened her messages.

Keegan- Goodnight
Allie- Hey. Keegan, I know it's late but could you come pick me up. I don't want to be home alone right now.
Keegan- Yea. Any place you want to go?
Allie- Some where quiet
Keegan- Alright be there in ten.

Allie slipped her phone back into her pocket. She walked up the steps and into her room. The brunette threw on a big loose black hoodie. Before walking back down the steps, walking outside where it was now pitch black, the street lamps causing little funnels of light. She sat down on the steps and waited. Soon the old Ford came around the corner. Allie didn't even wait to him to stop, she walked over opened the passenger door. 

Keegan leaned across and fiddled with the belt before finally getting it loose. He then turned away and began to drive. His red hair was a mess and was simply wearing an old black shirt and flannel pajama pants. After a minute of driving he said quietly. "So what happened? Your quiet."

"Family.." Allie said as she stared out the window. " Keegan  don't understand why my family is like it is..."

"If I had answers I would tell you. I really would." Keegan said as he drove his right hand resting on the wheel while the other one reached across to dash board. He pulled out a package of cigarettes, they looked old, but the pack was still full. He slid out one, put it between his lips. He reached around in his pockets and pulled out a lighter. He lit the cigarette taking a long drag off of it. 

"You smoke?" Allie questioned quietly as she glanced over at him. 

"Only when stressed. Do you want me to put it out?" Keegan asked pulling it away from his lips.

"No it's fine..." Allie said softly before looking out the window again. All of a sudden the houses began to become less and less, while the trees began to get thicker. 'I wonder where we are going..' She blinked as she realized they were beginning to go steadily up hill, then the sky opened up.

The area far at the top of the hill was large, wide open, and had little to no trees. The grass was a bit tall and the hill had a perfect view of the town. 

Keegan pulled off the road a bit, he reached into the back seat, and grabbed a few old blankets. "C'mon. The blankets are for sitting on."  He mumbled trying to keep the cigarette in his mouth.

Allie got out of the truck following him quietly. 'I just wish I could live in my other body.. So I didn't have to deal with them.' Once he laid the blankets down on the grass she sat down pulling her knee's up to her chest.

Keegan sat next to her, taking another long drag, before finally saying. " Who did that to your face?"

"I just fell and bumped it."

"Your a horrible lie-"

"It was my mom!" Allie raised her voice, the dam finally breaking, tears beginning to stream down her face. "Every time! She is nice and sweet then she becomes harsh and cruel. I've had to switch so many schools. My dad is poor. I don't know what to do any more!!" She sobbed quietly.

Keegan put out the cigarette, before he moved to sit behind her, hugging her from behind. "Let it out." He mumbled leaning his chin against the top of her head, and watching as she clung to him. 

After a moment of crying she finally calmed down a bit still lightly holding his arms. "The city is so pretty from up here..." She whispered as she began to feel drained from her sobbing. The brunette slowly felt her eyelids starting to shut, and a warmth surround her.

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