Chapter 13

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You hesitated before you began to assure Annabeth that you were clueless about what was going on. Annabeth's eyebrows shifted, causing your stomach to churn.

"I don't know anything," you stated, but a little too quickly.

Annabeth's gray eyes twinkled as if her mental lie detector went off.

"Come on, you don't think I would lie to you guys, do you?" you nervously laughed. "Psh, I could never. I would never."

Leo took a step closer to you. You took a step back. Leo sympathetically smiled. "(Y/N), it's okay. You can tell us anything."

"Please," you whispered, digging your nails into your palms. "You have to believe me."

Annabeth's eyebrows softened and she mouthed "oh".

"Leo," she began, "Is there any way someone could be overhearing our conversation?"

Leo shook his head. "I have the top security. There is no way any recording device could have been smuggled on without my knowledge. Plus, it isn't like someone could sneak on."

"Well..." Annabeth looked at you. "I don't quite believe that, Leo."

"Please! You have to believe me! If you don't...please, you just have to. Trust me." You began to feel like you couldn't get enough air in. You breathed big gulps of air in and quickly pushed it out, trying to get enough oxygen to feel like you had enough. (If you ever experience this in real life, you need to calm down. This is anxiety and has nothing to do with a lack of air or asthma. As a high schooler, I experience this on a weekly basis.)

"Hey, hey," Leo cooed as he put a hand on your shoulder as you put your hands on your knees and panted. "(Y/N), maybe you need a rest."

"No," you protested. "Not until you believe me."

"Yes, I trust you," Annabeth hurriedly assured you. "Go with Leo. You need to rest."


After you caught your breath, you lied in your bed, staring at the ceiling and wondering if the members truly would trust you. I said "please" so they have to believe me. I asked politely, you kept telling yourself.

A soft knocking on the door caught your attention.

Choice time:

Chapter 24: Tell the visitor you don't want to talk.

Chapter 25: Invite the visitor in.

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