Pass Out 2

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I woke up in a pool of my own blood.

Sounds mysterious, right? 

Wrong. It's because I'm a teenage girl. I rolled my eyes and raced to the bathroom, turning the shower on. Great.

After I got dressed, I headed downstairs for some Midol and found my mother at the counter, glassy-eyed.

"Hey, what's up?" I prodded, snapping her out of it.

"I'm fine. You can take your dad's car today." She shot me a smile, an unusual sight, and went back to staring at the wall.

I grabbed the keys and a bottle of Ibuprofen from the closet and hopped in the car. This will be an interesting day. Grayson isn't going to talk to me, and I'm pretty sure Molly is mad at me after last night. Wincing from cramps and the day I envisioned ahead of me, I cranked Something Rotten! and headed to school.

Ibuprofen didn't help. I was right about Molly, too. She didn't even look at me when I walked into science. It's lunchtime now, and I really don't want to sit at that table. Deciding I don't have a choice, I sit where I sat yesterday, and eat in silence.

I sneak into the back of the choir room today, hoping to remain unseen. Mr. Robinski throws a wrench in my plan.

"As you all know, we have another concert at the end of the year, in which we showcase our most talented students. I have picked a couple of solos and duets to perform, and then we will do a few group songs as well." He pulled out his clipboard, and I slunk further into my chair.

"First up, Molly and Grayson, with 'Bad Idea' from our winter musical, Waitress." Molly smiled, and I saw Grayson sneak a glance at me.

"Next, Paige and Katelyn, with For Good, from Wicked."

So far, so good.

"Then, Molly and Maya with Take Me or Leave Me from RENT. Molly, you'll be Maureen." She didn't even look at me.

"Grayson and Evan, with A Musical from Something Rotten!"

"Maya and Grayson, with Right-Hand Man from Something Rotten!" At least I'll be doing most of that one...

"..and Only Us from Dear Evan Hansen."


"Now, solos!" Mr. Robinski winked at me, and I shot him a death glare.

"Molly, with Popular, from Wicked." She grinned excitedly.

"Paige, with What Would You Do from Cabaret, Evan, with Santa Fe, from Newsies, Grayson, with If I Didn't Believe In You from The Last Five Years, and Maya, with No One Else from Great Comet." Mr. Robinski finished reading his list. My cramps were getting worse, but I convinced myself they were still ignorable.

We were singing One Day More from Les Miserables and Dancing Queen for the group songs.

Robinski handed out sheet music and gave us the rest of the hour to look it over and figure specifics out for solos and duets. Molly continued to ignore me, but Grayson came up and I grudgingly started working on Only Us with him.

Towards the end of the hour, I couldn't think. I popped a couple more ibuprofens and hoped for the best.

As we headed to our next classes, Grayson gave me a friendly wave. Molly stormed past me as if I wasn't there.

The last class of the day: French. I walked in, I'm Still Hurting from The Last Five Years playing on repeat in my mind.

"Bievenue!...." I didn't catch what the rest of Ms. DuBlanc's words were. I was entirely focused on the pain.

I felt the person sitting next to me start shaking me.

Then I blacked out.

I woke up in the nurses office, with Grayson and, strangely enough, Molly, on either side of the bed.

"What happened this time?"

"You passed out again. Any idea from what?" Grayson's brow was furrowed. It was kind of cute.

"Cramps." I looked away from his face, which instantly started turning red.

"They need better health classes at your old school then," Molly joked.

"Huh?" His face was the color of beets.

The nurse walked over, an apologetic look on her face. "Usually we'd require a parent to sign you out, but since it's after hours and, well, I'm not seeing an adult, I'll let you sign yourself out." She handed me a clipboard.

Of course. Because it only seems like people care when my dad's around. I signed the paper, and Molly helped me up.

"I'm sorry I was so upset yesterday." She whispered.

"It's fine. I should have kept it to myself anyway-"

"No. I should have listened to you." I smiled faintly.


A/N: if this chapter was too real for you, that sucks! This shit is a part of life, and cramps are an unfortunate side effect of being a girl. To my boy readers: this does fucking happen! If your sister, Mom, girlfriend, girl friends, etc. are having issues, help them, don't be a dramatic wimp. This sucks, and they will only be mad if you don't show sympathy. Just be a considerate person, 'Kay? The women in your life are all strong as hell.

Oh, and for reference, a study showed that cramps can be more painful than heart attacks. Bye for now, lovelies💜!

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