Chapter 3, Book 1--Amy(Part 2)

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I was teaching the new students, then Jamie came over to me and said that grandpa needed to talk with me. I nodded and went out to my car. I was still in my uniform.

I walked off the elevator when it opened and went past Garrett's office and went into Frank's office.

"Sir, your granddaughter is here" I heard Baker say then I heard a voice

"Send her in" Frank said. I took a deep breath then I walked in and Abigail closed the door when I walked in

"Look, grandpa, about earlier with Uncle Jamie I-" I said then he stopped me and I sat down at his desk

"Jamie already talked to me about it Ames, your improving so much, your knee looks awfully better, your not wearing your brace as much anymore and that's a good thing" he responded

"Yeah, its really getting better, I don't know if I can be in the same precinct as Uncle Jamie, he's not himself, he wanted me to teach the newbies some fighting skills, we didn't do anything, when I heard him come back that's when I started teaching" I responded

"So you lied to your Uncle about teaching the newbies? Why would you do that Ames?" He asked

"Oh come on grandpa, like you don't think that sounds like a bit of relaxation time before Uncle Jamie came back and started teaching them again, right?" I asked

"Amy, I'm very disappointed in you, lying to your Uncle" he responded and looked at me

"I'm sorry grandpa, I shouldn't have done what I did, could you transfer me to the 5-4, please, I don't think I can take anymore of Uncle Jamie" I said and looked at me

That night at dinner. I walked into the house and I walked over to the table and smiled

"Sorry I'm late, I stayed late at the barn helping out with the chores and spending time with Alcatraz" I said as I sat down between grandpa and Erin

"Alcatraz? Who's Alcatraz" Erin asked a bit curious on who he was

"He's Amy's new horse for the mounted unit" Jamie responded then looked at me "so tell me why you transferred precincts, and why were my students not doing anything when I told them to practice fighting skills"

I looked at Frank and he looked back with the 'tell the truth' look

"Look, Uncle Jamie, I might've not done anything while you were talking with grandpa at his office" I said "and I transferred because I can't handle you sometimes, I have dads old desk as my desk now so I know all the computer techniques he used while he was working at the 5-4, I will solomly swear that I will find the perp who did this to my dad and not give in if he tries to persuade me"

"Nope, its too dangerous" Jamie said to me "let the more experienced cops handle that, he's too dangerous"

"How would you know?" I argued "I'm the only one that saw the guy because I was on duty with dad when he was killed!"

"Amy calm down" Erin said to me

"No I will not calm down, here is Uncle Jamie, pretending that my father didn't just die a couple days ago and acting like nothing happened and that everything will be fine" I shouted "I will find that son of a bitch(I'm sorry to younger readers) if its the last thing I do"

"You will do no such thing" Jamie said with his voice raised "I told you what's going to happen to make this possible and you are going to understand that, this isn't some training game Ames, this is real stuff"

"I understand that Uncle Jamie, I really do, but I'm the only one who knows the person who killed dad, I'm the only one that saw his face, so please just give me a chance to prove myself to you guys" I responded

"No Ames, its too dangerous, you can't do it no matter if you saw the guy or not its still dangerous" he said to me

"I'm going to go find that guy, I don't care what you guys say I'm starting the search for him tomorrow when I'm at the 5-4" I responded

"You got a partner?" Jamie asked "every good cop needs a partner"

"I have Addison, she has her horse Phoenix and I have Alcatraz too, we're searching for the guy in the morning" I said and I walked away as my phone rang

Phone call

"Reagan" I said over the phone

"Hey Reagan" Addison responded

"I'm sorry I left you at the precinct to locate the guy" I responded

"Nah, it was my pleasure, we got a location on him" she said

"Who is it?" I asked

"The name is Vik or Viktor" she said over the phone

"Viktor? I know him, I've always known he was after my family, I'll be there in the morning" I said

"No, you need to be here tonight, come by tonight, and bring coffee too" she said and I chuckled

"Alright, I will, see you tonight Addison" I responded

"Bye Reagan" she said and hung up

After phone call

"Sorry about that, that was my partner Addison" I responded as I sat back down at the table

"What did she need?" Frank asked me

"She said we have an ID on the killer, I'm not saying who though cause the boys that are here" I responded "but she needs me at the 5-4 tonight so we can do more research and figure out more about our suspect"

"Alright, be careful though Ames, I don't need you hurt from that guy again, he was a bad guy" Frank said

"I will grandpa, and I love both you boys, Nikki will take you home, I won't be home until late" I said to Jack and Sean, they nodded and I left for the precinct

Amy Reagan: ContinuedWhere stories live. Discover now