Chapter 10, Book 1

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Amy was still asleep, she kept having recurring nightmares about when her father was killed. She woke up and screamed. Only to see her aunt running in and comforting her

"Shh, its okay, its okay, it was just a nightmare I bet" Crystal said and looked at Amy. Amy nodded

Once Amy was released from the hospital she walked into her old room and looked around, since she moved back home to take care of Jack and Sean, she took her parents room. She looked around the room and smiling seeing pictures of her and Alcatraz put up before she started having the anxiety attacks. She heard a voice and she went downstairs to find her grandpa and Uncle sitting there

"Amy, have a seat" Jamie said and she sat down across from him.

"What is it? Is everything okay?" She asked her grandpa and uncle

"Yes everything's okay" Frank said

"Then why did you need me?" She asked as she looked at them

"Your birthday is coming up, what did you want to do?" Frank asked

"I don't really know yet, can we not talk about that right now? I got to go to the 5-4 to see Addison and see how she's doing" she responded as she used her crutches to get up.

"Oh no you aren't" Frank said "not in your condition"

"But grandpa" she said "can't I at least take King for a walk?"

"Okay, yes you can do that, but no going to the precinct yet" Frank said


Erin, she was part of the Manhattan DA's office and she was working on a case about a murder that happened not too long ago. She heard Anthony's voice and she looked up to see Amy

"There you are" she said with a smile as she stood up and walked to her neice and gave her a hug

"Hey Aunt Erin" Amy said "you got a case for me to do?"

"Aren't you supposed to be taking it easy?" She asked

"Yes, but I get so bored at home when I'm there alone" Amy replied.

"Go back home Amy, if they figure out your here your going to be in big trouble" she said in response

"But I don't want to" Amy complained to her aunt Erin

"Okay, fine, you can stay here, Rebecca will get you anything that you need" she said and looked at Rebecca and she nodded

Amy sat down on the couch while she watched her aunt work. She then went on her phone and saw she received a text message and she looked at it and replied to it. She looked at it and received a text back. She chuckled as she texted Nikki back

"What's so funny?" She asked her as she looked at her

"Nothing Aunt Erin" Amy responded

"No, come on tell me" she said as she walked over and sat by her

"I'd rather not" Amy responded

Erin nodded and went back to her desk, weird huh


Amy walked out and went back to the precinct, she couldn't stay away, she used her crutches to get around the most because it was easy for her to use them because she was used to it, she let out a sigh of relief to he back at the precinct and back to her second home which she considered that place to be, but she didn't care. She sat down at her desk and started going through files that her partner left for her to finish.

"Reagan" she said picking up her phone

"Hey, its Addison, are you home" Addison asked

"No, I'm not, I'm at the precinct looking through the files you left for me" she responded

"Files? I didn't leave any files for you" Addison responded

"Apparently you did, there's a note here that says 'saved these for you partner, knowing you'd come back and would need something to work off of, your partner, Addison' " she responded to Addison.

"Hmm, maybe I did and I forgot, I'm headed there now, want me to get you anything?" Addison asked

"A coffee would be wonderful partner" she responded

"Alright, I'll be there soon" Addison said over the phone

"You got it partner, I have a feeling we're going to be working nights" she responded

"Yeah, see you in a bit" Addison said and hung up the phone

"Hey Partner" she responded standing up and greeting Addison

"Hey Reagan" Addison said with a smile "its been lonely here without you"


Frank, as the police commissioner he sat at his desk listening to Baker as she read off his agenda to him. He put up his hand to stop her as she mentioned Madam Mayor

"Wait, so Madam Mayor is making this huge deal about my officers?" Frank asked Baker. She nodded

"She wants to meet with you sir" Baker responded to her boss

"Well I don't" Frank said "let me guess she's outside the door right now"

"What other hints were there?" Baker asked as she let in madam Mayor

"Madam Mayor" Frank said as she walked into his office. He sat back down once she was in front of him.

"Your officers are delusional" Madam mayor said

"Pssh, as if" Crystal responded quietly as she had her arms crossed standing by her fathers desk

"What was that Ms. Reagan?" Madam Mayor said in Crystal's direction

"Your just a *****" Crystal said

"I am not" Madam Mayor argued "anyway, your officers are creating violence in the city"

"I am a father of a deceased officer Madam Mayor, I treat my officers like my kids" Frank argued. "And Crystal, behave yourself"

"Dad, can I talk to you in the conference room alone?" Crystal asked her father

Frank nodded and went into the conference room with Crystal, she shut the door when he walked in

"Dad, I don't like her" Crystal said

"You don't have to like her but you do have to respect her" Frank replied "she is our mayor and you need to be nice to her"

Amy Reagan: ContinuedWhere stories live. Discover now