Chapter 4, Book 1--Amy(Part 3)

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"I will grandpa, and I love both you boys, Nikki will take you home, I won't be home until late" I said to Jack and Sean, they nodded and I left for the precinct


"What do you got for me Addison?" I asked walking into the precinct and sitting down at my desk

"Okay, you got to sit down" she said and I sat down "okay, so Viktor had the intent of killing not just Danny, but you too, apparently he still hates you for putting him and his daughter back in jail"

"So why and how did he escape? There's no possible way for him to do that" I responded and she shrugged

"Maybe to prove a point that he could even though it wasn't possible and he knew it wasn't possible" she said

"We need to get my aunt over here" I said and dialed Erin

Phone call

"This is ADA Reagan, what do you need" Erin responded picking up

"Hey Erin its me, could you come down to the 5-4, we need your help with something" I said

"Yeah, sure, I'll be right there" she said

"Alright, thanks bye" I said and hung up

End of phone call

"Anything?" Addison asked

"Yeah, she's coming down to help us with the case" I responded

"Hopefully another bomb doesn't go off, we're the only ones in here" she said and looked up at me

"Don't jinks it for us, there may be someone in here that wants to hurt us badly" I responded

"Right, sorry Ames" she said and looked up "look out!"

"I have you now Reagan" Vik said as he grabbed me putting his gun to my head and he laughed

"Let her go!" Addison yelled protecting her friend from the suspect

"Not until I get what I came here for, to see her slowly die" Vik said as he pointed the gun at my knee and pulled the trigger

I fell to the ground but managed to stand, my knee gave out and I sat down as Addison arrested Vik and she ran over to me and she started wrapping my knee with bandgages to keep it from bleeding out

"5-4 officers we need a bus at this location forthwith" I heard Addison say then everything went black

"Ames, stay with me" Addison said while in the ambulance with me "stay with me don't go anywhere"

When we got to the hospital I was rushed to surgery, my uniform was taken off me and I had a hospital gown on me and I was still out, still out from the loss of blood

"What happened officer Matthews" Frank said walking up to Addison

"Commissioner Reagan" she saluted him. She sat down "Vik he shot her in the knee, he's in custody now, I did what I was trained to do when it came to stopping blood from coming out of the wound"

"You did good Addison, you did really good when it came to that, I'm proud of you, very proud" Frank responded

"I'm so sorry commissioner Reagan, because of me she got hurt" she responded to Frank

"Don't be so hard on yourself Addison, you did what you could and helped her survive" he responded

"Amy Reagan's family?" The doctor asked as he walked up to my family

"Is she gonna be okay?" Frank asked the doctor with worry in his voice

"She'll be fine commissioner" he responded as he looked at Addison "you should be thanking her wonderful partner, if it wouldn't have been for her, Amy would be gone by now"

"Thank you doctor, how long till she wakes?" Frank asked

"That's unknown, it may be later today, it may be tomorrow, it may be even a week from now" he responded

"We won't leave her, is she stable and in her room?" Frank asked again

"Yes, she's stable and yes she's back in her room, you can go see her" he said

I heard my family coming in to see me. I had my intentions but I knew my grandpa wasn't very happy, I was still asleep, but I was on oxygen, I had a mask over my nose to help me breathe, my lung had been punctured so it would be a while until it healed

I started to wake up. I groaned slightly and looked up seeing my grandpa and my partner

"Ames" Grandpa said looking at me and knowing I was okay

"Grandpa" I said as I tried to sit up. I winced badly cause it hurt so bad

"Shh, don't move" grandpa said as he helped me lay back down "its okay, I'm here and I won't leave you until your all healed up"

"You promise that you won't leave me grandpa?" I asked looking at him

"Yes I promise" he responded and put his hand on mine

"Okay, as long as you promise, where are the others?" I asked "and what happened to me?"

"The others are out in the waiting room, we're not leaving" he said "and you were shot in the knee by Vik"

"Once I get out of here I'm going to find him I promise you and I promise dad too" I responded

"No, you won't do anything that will get you more hurt than you already are Ames, I am your boss and you need to rest so if I tell you to rest you need to rest" he responded

"Or I could just find this guy when I get out of here" I said

"Our detectives will take care of that Ames, but you need to rest" he said

"No grandpa, I'm not going to just sit around and let others interrogate the guy, let me do it" I said

"Amy Reagan, you are hurt and you are a victim, so no" he said

"Come on grandpa, I'll help, it'll take time but I'll help with the investigation and help interrogate the guy that hurt me and killed my dad" I said looking at Frank

Amy Reagan: ContinuedWhere stories live. Discover now