Chapter 21:

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I woke up to someone poking me in the face. I opened my eyes and saw Jhope leaning over me.

"Get up sleeping beauty," he chuckled,"It's time to train."

I moved back a little scared from yesterday but I recover because I know Jhope will never lay a finger on me. I had so many questions about yesterday but I keep my muth shut.

I groaned then got out of bed. I looked at the alarm clock at its only 6 in the morning.

"I'm going back to sleep waking up this early is not good for my health" I said and covered myself with the blankets.

"OK I'll go get Taehyung" he said and I jumped out of my bed "NOO I'll get ready"

He gave me a pair of shorts and a plain top and I got changed into it.

I had no training shoes and he said it's fine. He can get a pair of shoes from Jimin because apparently Jimin has tiny feets and they would fit me.

I hated Jimin for telling Taehyung to make me eat those pain killers but I couldn't wear my ripped converse so I had to agree

We had to go outside the "Mansion" . I thought we would do the training in the gym but Jhope told me we had to go outside to warm up.

Outside the mansion I see all the members and Oh ma gwad. They were all wearing shorts and tank tops. I could see all of their  muscles. One good thing about training with them.

They looked like they just jumped out of a magazine. On the other hand me I was wearing oversized clothes my hair was in a bun and I looked like a homeless person.

I just stood there staring at Taehyung. He looked so beautiful. I was memorised by his beauty.

I could just stand there and look at him forever. I know this is wrong people like Taehyung don't deserve anything but I couldn't help it.

I was once again interrupted when jhope gave me a pat on my shoulder

"Bella girl hurry up we're already late"

"OK OK" I said rolling my eyes

We walked closer to the boys and all the eyes snapped up.

"Took you long enough" complained Suga

I glared at him. Why is everyone so annoying.

I was still ignoring Taehyung. I don't know why though it's not like he's gonna aplogise for being such a dick.

Namjoon was staring at my brest I rolled my eyes and coughed he looked up and smirked at me I made a disgusting face telling him I'm not into him.

Taehyung cleared his throat and everyone turned their heads towards him "Let's get started" he said with a slight smirk

We started off with a simple stretch, then everyone had to run around the huge garden 4 times but I had to do only one since it was my first time. I never realized how big the house was until I ran around it.

I was still on my first round when all of the boys ran past me for the third time.

After I was done my first round I was a mess. I was breathing hard I sat down beside a bush.

Jhope gave me bottle of water and belive me or not water had never tasted better.

I don't think I can do anymore of this training. I want to tell Taehyung that I don't wanna do this training thing but that would ruin my mission of ignoring him.

We then made our way to the gym. All that time Suga had being glaring at me.

What's his problem

Inside the gym we get 30 mins on the machine. We were allowed to pick any. I pick the bike just because it doesn't involve a lot of movement Jhope came and sat on the bike next to mine.

Taehyung,Jimin and Jungkook picked trendmills and they instantly started running Show off I thought.

Jin was doing the bench press. Namjoon was on the rowing machine. Suga was on the leg press.

It was so loud with everyone using machine.

I took the chance to ask Jhope what had been annoying me

"Jhope" I said and he turned his face toward me still cycling fast his breathing shallow

"What happened yesterday" he slowed down his cycling

"After you left" he said raising his eyebrow

I nodded

"Boss got really annoyed after you left we were supposed to kill Cole but he let him go it's really strange because boss never does that" he said with a strange look on his face

"I never thought you would treat someone like that" In my mind I always imagined Jhope as a sweet man but that changed after yesterday

"Bella that's what I've done my whole life it's my job" he said with a sigh

Then it hits me I shouldn't be judging him. I know nothing about him I know nothing about anyone in here. I dont know they're past nothing I wish I did.

"What did Cole even do" I said I was really curious about him.

"He is one of Rocco's man they like to piss boss off"

 I had heard about them before.

30 mins were up now

Then they taught me the basics of hand to hand combat, and some other really cool moves. It was actually pretty fun, until Taehyung told Jungkook to fight me.

I truly hate him. It's obvious that I won't be able to do any harm to Jungkook he's so big and strong.

Everyone made a circle around me and Jungkook.

Jungkook looked at me and smirked. He started cracking his knuckles. I gulped hard.

I was too weak to fight him. The only fighting skills I knew were the one I had learned from my self defense classes that my dad had made me do 3 years ago.

Jungkook moved closer and in one swift move he kicked my legs out from under me, and I fell to the ground.

"Thanks for the warning," I groaned, and stood up.

"There are no warnings in a real fight Bella," Jungkook glared,"Now I'm not gonna hold back so be prepared."

My eyes widened, as he threw a punch at my face. I dodged it and went to kick him. However, I did not succeed because, he caught my leg then threw me on the ground. He pinned me to the ground, and in my last resort I bit his forearm. He got up in surprise, and held his forearm.

"Did you just bite me?" he asked surprised

"Yep" I smirked

After the fight which I lost    Jungkook taught me different ways to fight and everyone started doing there own thing

We took a break again I was sitting next to Jhope who was staring at Suga. On the other hand Suga was talking to Jin.

"What's up" I said

"He's so hot" Jhope said nonchalantly still looking at Suga and I froze.

After he realised what he had said out loud he wrapped his mouth with his hands.

"NO NO its not what you think"

<Sigh> Pretty long chapter eh?

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