Ch. 1: "Glasses Boy"

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"No way .." Jaemin readjusted his glasses.

His neck started to hurt, because the academy building were just that tall. Looking up at them hurt.

He gulped.

I'm gonna get super hungry if I have to go down stairs on those buildings!
And worse... I'm hungry right now!

Jaemin sighed as he made his way up the long stairway to the academy entrance.

There was no one around the entrance, which surprised him.
Then again, he was coming in late due to his meeting with the principal and going over school rules and whatnot.

It would be around the middle of first period if he walked in.

Dang, not even done with first period and I'm hungry...

Jaemin pulled open the door to the academy regardless, and hunted for his classroom on the fifth floor.

To his amazement, the school had elevators. Following that, he was also surprised he hadn't seen a single person yet.

Finally, he reached his classroom, 5-A.

He was about to knock on the door, when his stomach rumbled. Jaemin sighed and checked his backpack.

Yep, a full bag of strawberry mochi and some random packs of gummies.

He smiled in reassurance, then knocked the classroom door politely.


"Ah, you must be the new student. Come right this way," a pretty teacher opened the door with a smile.

She gestured Jaemin in and he did so, clumsily awkward.

"Class, we have a new student joining us today," she turned to him. "I am Miss Park. Welcome to class 5-A. Please introduce yourself."

Jaemin gulped.

"H-hi.. I'm Na Jaemin," he glued his eyes to the ground. "Nice to meet you all--"

Jaemin looked up and stopped short.

Why were there older guys in his class?

Jaemin observed the boys in front.

One had faded pink hair, with brows that were full and almost looked intimidating. Next to him, a boy with dark red hair sent him a mischevious grin, which in turn got him a smack in the head by the boy behind him who looked like he had worm brows.

Futher back, a boy sat tall above the rest of the class. He had raven black hair, and seemed to be whispering to the boy next to him. The boy next to him chuckled and smiled, though Jaemin noted that he didn't look Korean.

It was about to get awkward when Miss Park pointed at a seat by the windows, far from the boys he noticed and instead by some more passive-looking guys.

Jaemin shuffled quietly to his seat before Miss Park shushed the class.

"Now, today's focus is on page 433..."

Jaemin zoned out.
Of course he followed along, but he wasn't really focused on the lesson. He realized he wasn't focused for a good chunk of class when a hand tapped his shoulder.

"Yah... Yah! Glasses boy!"

"Huh.. What...?" Jaemin looked behind him.

"Its time for second period," Jaemin recognized the familiar red hair he saw when he came in, as well as the mischevious grin. "I'm Donghyuck, but everyone calls me Haechan. Let's go!"

"Ahh, wait--"

But he was already out the door with this so-called Haechan.

"Hurry! You don't wanna miss the next class! Everyone is there!"

"Everyone... Like the whole school?" Jaemin stumbled along after him.

"No silly! You're in our group from today on! Everyone is in the next class!" Haechan smiled and pulled him more firmly, telling him to speed up.

"Ehhh..? Since when was I--"

"You're in the group as of now," Haechan smiled. "Don't worry, let's just go meet everyone!"

Jaemin obliged since he didn't know where his next class was anyways. Though that fact also didn't matter at the moment.

An uncomfortable feeling was building up in his stomach, and Jaemin was sure it wasn't due to his breakfast.

Why do I feel like something is going to happen...?

And why does it seem like... I'm searching for something-- or someone....?
(a/n: Hello~
I've decided that I would make the chapters of this book shorter than how I usually write them unless I'm feeling really into the plot. I'm usually a pretty long writer~

Question: Who do you ship your bias with?

Answer: Oh man... I have too many biases. I might just ship everyone and die a happy potatoe when the ships appear left and right. >////<                       )

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