Ch. 44: An Epilogue

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[ A conclusion for me and you. Until now, it has been Cheong Solhee, everyone. Thank you]

It turns out, things are a little different when you start a relationship to when you're years in.

Nowadays, Taeyong and Jaehyun have started making monthly trips to visit everyone. Time really flies, but among many life changes, people more or so have a part of them that don't change.

To begin with, let's start off with Renjun, Chenle, and Jisung.

"Is that... jam on broccoli?" Taeyong inspects the plate in a very, very concerned manner.

"Ah... you see, Lele and Injun are too busy to cook for me at times, hyung," Jisung awkwardly scratches the back of his neck.

"I didn't know you like broccoli," Jaehyun states.

"Well... with Renjun working at the museum and Chenle practicing with the symphony on some days, I've learned to like it."

"This is why we visit you kids at least once a month," Taeyong groans.

"We're not kids anymore, hyung!" Jisung quickly shoots. "I've got an interview for a job soon!"

"And what kind of job is that?" Taeyong raises a highly doubtful brow.

"...the local convenience store, heheh," Jisung shrinks away.

"He's bound to get a job sometime," Jaehyun pecks Taeyong on the cheek. "He did graduate last year."

"I know, I know. I still can't believe you three are living in a penthouse though! Moreover, eating broccoli with jam!"

"Well..." Jisung looks around. "Chenle insisted we try it. You can't resist his smile, you know?"

"Sure, sure. Say," Taeyong asks. "Have you heard from Jeno and Jaemin these last few weeks?"

"Those two hyungs?" Jisung furrows his brows, mochi cheeks puffing out like a kid despite being a fully functional 25-year-old. "I don't know. They haven't messaged us in a while. Maybe try Mark-hyung and Donghyuck-hyung?"

Jaehyun and Taeyong look at each other.

"Alright, tell Renjun and Chenle we said hi," Jaehyun puts.

"And stop eating that!" Taeyong slaps Jisung's hand away from the terrible monstrosity that is jam-covered broccoli. "You live in a penthouse, order food or something!"

"Babe, just give him the kimbap you made today."

"Jae-baby, that's not the point. Just because I'll stop him from eating this now doesn't mean he'll stop this sin of food!"

Jisung smiles.

"It's really not that bad. Try it, hyung!"

"And tell me again why you two are living together?" Taeyong sighs.

"You speak as if you haven't seen his cooking, hyung," Donghyuck gasps. "He can't possibly live without me. He put pancake batter in a toaster!"

"Yah, I saw it on the internet!" Mark retaliates.

"They used a toaster oven, you goofball!"

"I heard the new song, Mark," Jaehyun interrupts. "The new studio sounds great."

"Ah, thanks, hyung."

"Taeyong-hyung, please scold him!" Donghyuck whines. "He's coming back after midnight from that studio across town!"

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