♀ the girl who cheered

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HIS CHOSEN GIRL(II)❥Chapter Four, The Girl Who CheeredYour P

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Chapter Four, The Girl Who Cheered
Your P.O.V
"Come on now, take your seats," Amos was talking loudly to be heard over the shrieking wizards, evidently impatient for the Quidditch match to begin.

One by one we file into the stands desperate to be able to relax our legs which, speaking for myself at least, were burning from the amount of steps we had climbed up tonight. I grabbed a tight hold of the safety railing beside me. Heights were never something to particularly frighten me, but there is nothing wrong with being cautious.

And thank goodness I was so cautious for an oblivious Fred Weasley had been so kind as to scream straight into my ear as I passed him on the way to my seat. I was so focused on how nice it'll be to finally sit, that the shock of the loud sound nearly sent me flying over the aforementioned railing.

"Come on!" Fred added as eager as the rest of the crowd as he jumped up and down in his seat, a childlike, but not an out of character thing for the Weasley twin to do.

Squinting my eyes at him in slight annoyance for scaring me, and still on a slight adrenaline rush from talking back to Lucius Malfoy, made me think that supplying an unnecessary comment was a good choice.

"If you find this exciting, just you wait for the match to start," I tease patting him on the shoulder as I attempt to pass.

I begun to walk away when I came to an sudden stop. The older boy had wrapped his hand around my upper arm holding it with a surprisingly tight grip, I guess being a beater had payed off. He glared at me and I immediately regretted my cheeky comment, something I usually wouldn't do, I wasn't an idiot, I knew better. Being a smart ass to Lucius, no big deal, but being a smart ass to the Weasley twins, that's a death wish.

"One free pass," he threatens, the grip on my arm not easing up in the slightest. "You get one free pass, Riddle. Only because you stood up to that prick Lucius Malfoy but if you tease me again-"

"Message received," I interrupt. I know the lengths the Weasley twins would go to get revenge on even the silliest of things, it's an excuse for them to pull a prank, their favorite pass time. I've even helped the Weasley's conjure up some pretty messed up stuff... stuff that I would never want to be on the receiving end of.

Fred smiles satisfied before loosening his grip on my shoulder. I don't hesitate to run over to my spot in between Harry and Ginny.

The second I sat down, the opposite end of the studio erupted with cheers. It was even louder than before if that's even possible. Curious, I stand up and look around the sky. I didn't notice anything. No jumbotron scanning the crowd, no fireworks, nothing spectacular at all. So why were they cheering so loudly?

HIS CHOSEN GIRL 2 ✵HPWhere stories live. Discover now