♀ the girl who noted

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"you're playing with fire y/n

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"you're playing with fire y/n."

You're an idiot, y/n, a complete idiot. I sneak out of my dorm as quickly and as quietly as I can. Taking the stairs two at a time I continue to scold myself.

Now whether it be from the lack of concentration on the task at hand, the fact that I'd woken up just an approximate two minutes ago, or that I'm simply truly an idiot, I trip over my own feet and tumble the rest of the way down the staircase.

"Ouch," I whine rubbing the back of my head as I see an outstretched arm in front of me.

Taking his hand in my own, I allow myself to be pulled up from the ground to come face to face with a half concerned, half confused Harry Potter.

"What did you just do?" He asks eyes scanning me for injuries.

"I just won a Quidditch game, what does it look like I just did, Potter," I retort back bitterly before immediately feeling guilty among seeing his face fall. "Sorry. I just woke up and I'm late for my meeting and to top it all off I think I gave myself a minor concussion... I didn't mean to snap at you."

Harry just laughs in response.

"What? You think my pain is funny?" I smirk as I ask him the question he'd asked me just hours ago when he'd been bitten by an owl.

"Not funny," he replies repeating my earlier answer. "Hysterical."

I roll my eyes and push past him to exit the common room.

"Are you sure you don't want to take the cloak?" He asks.

"I'm sure. The halls are hardly guarded this year and I'm not necessarily proud of it but I've become a pro at which ones to take and which ones to avoid if I do say so myself," this is true. This year alone I've broken curfew probably more times than I have in the last three years combined. It's a little concerning how often I've gotten away with it to be honest, not very reassuring that a mere fourth year can walk the halls unnoticed. "Besides, if Malfoy finds out I have access to an invisibility cloak, he'd blackmail me to let him use it, don't you think?"

"You've got a point," Harry nods. "Well, good luck. Please be safe ok."

"I will."

"y/n," Harry's now serious tone of voice has me turning away from the half opened door to face him.

"I said I will," I repeat an unintentional bit of sass laced over my words. I really need to get this over with so I can back to bed. "Sorry."

"I know... just," he continues ignoring my apology. His eyes linger on the blue ribbon, her ribbon, tied around my finger. "Maybe I should be going with you."

"I believe you have other plans tonight," I smile, his concern for me always appreciated as I lean against the door frame. "It's a three minute walk to our meeting spot."

HIS CHOSEN GIRL 2 ✵HPWhere stories live. Discover now