♂ the boy who realized

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C H A P T E R 9

"if only there weren't a room full of witnesses, hey professor?"

"if only there weren't a room full of witnesses, hey professor?"

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"Alastor Moody."

The hefty man stands at the front of the classroom inspecting each individual student before turning to face the large blackboard. His large hand grabs the chalk with such force I expect it to break.

"Ex-Auror... Ministry Malcontent... And your new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. I'm here because Dumbledore asked me. End of story, goodbye, the end," he spoke as harshly and roughly as he had scribbled his name across the blackboard just seconds ago. "Any questions?"

His normal eye scours one side of the room while the other glances over the other side, quite a sight no pun intended. He raises an eyebrow after a few seconds of waiting for hands to be raised but still the intimidated class remains silent. We stay in uncomfortable silence for a few seconds more before Moody gives up and continues.

"When it comes to the dark arts, I believe in a practical approach. But first, which one of you can tell me how many Unforgivable Curses there are?"

I, among others I'm sure, are known to give Hermione a hard time about being somewhat of a know-it-all. Today though, I was grateful when I heard her voice, fragile and shaky due to the classroom's tense environment, supply the professor with an answer.

"Three sir."

I notice the shortness of her answer, a very unlikely occurrence. Usually the girl won't answer a simple question without adding on loads of additional information that no one asked for. It's like if you're interested in a movie so you ask someone if they've seen it and they go on to tell you every detail within it including the twist ending.

Moody didn't know her well enough yet to question it though, so all he did was scribble her response onto the board in point form and ask her a follow-up.

"And they are so named?"

"Because they are unforgivable. The use of any one of them will-

"Will earn you a one way ticket to Azkaban." The chalk actually did snap under the force he used this time. I also noticed how he raised his voice and how his volume seemed to increase when he spoke the word 'Azkaban.' He turned to Hermione and said an abrupt, "Correct," his momentary anger having faded away as soon as it appeared.

The professor faced his back to us yet again as he jotted some more quick notes. "Now the Ministry says you're too young to see what these curses do, I SAY DIFFERENT! You need to know WHAT YOU'RE UP AGAINST! You need to be prepared. You need to find another place to place your chewing gum beside the UNDERSIDE OF YOUR DESK MR. FINNEGAN!"

HIS CHOSEN GIRL 2 ✵HPWhere stories live. Discover now