♂ the boy who doesn't sleep

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C H A P T E R19

"were you trying to kill me?"

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"were you trying to kill me?"

I sit silently. I've come to dislike silence over these past few days. Its eerie and creepy and, well, boring. A twinge of guilt surfaces within me for feeling boredom. I know that I'm not here to have a good time, I'm here for a purpose.

My eyes relentlessly try to force themselves shut and after a long eight hours of fighting, I'm about ready to give in.

Still, she shows no signs of waking up so I've got to suck it up and power through. This is the third nights she's been kept here. Under normal circumstances if someone showed up with a broken bone, Madam Pomfrey would mend it in a snap and they could be out of here that evening. It was McGonagal who made the decision though, the decision to keep y/n under observation for a few nights.

I mean, I guess I understand it. She just wasn't in the proper mindset to see that breaking her own arm, with her only explanation being that she rolled out of bed the wrong way, wasn't her best plan. Certainly not the most believable. McGonagal has her doubts by then for sure. It wasn't until y/n collapsed in the hospital wing though, that she knew something was wrong.

McGonagal instructed Pomfrey to keep her here for a few nights, to give her time to recover. y/n told them that her reasoning for fainting was because she had horrible flashbacks to when her abusive parents used to break her bones. According to her that's also the cause about her reoccurring nightmares when Madam Pomfrey questions her each morning.

Hermione filled Ron and I in about Sara that morning. Of course I felt a little upset I wasn't there to help, even though truthfully I'm not sure there's anything I could've done to do so. I felt pretty weak when Hermione was describing the event to us, I can't imagine what y/n, what either of them felt in the moment.

It astonishes me, it truly does, to see her sleep so peacefully. This is the first night she's slept through completely. No nightmares, no tears, no blaming herself. I'm relieved. It truly was one of the hardest things I've had to watch.

It's not like I could've just pulled the cloak off and comforted her, no matter how badly I wanted to. I would normally take a walk throughout the wing when they happened, I figured I'd give her some privacy rather than just helplessly watch her fall apart. Besides, I would've given her a heart attack and it would've been dreadfully hard to come up with an excuse as to why I was there.

Glancing at the clock I see that it's 5:30. Only thirty minutes to go until Madam Pomfrey will come in for her morning shift and I can get some sleep. It's worth it, she's worth it. I couldn't let her stay here alone, I'm not risking, no matter how slim the chances, a repeat of what happened to Sara. How she herself manages to fall asleep in here is beyond me. At least they moved her out of Sara's bed.

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