♀the girl who skipped rocks

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"hermione says that ronald would like her to tell me to tell you that seamus told him that dean was told by parvati that hagrid's looking for you

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"hermione says that ronald would like her to tell me to tell you that seamus told him that dean was told by parvati that hagrid's looking for you."

I suck at skipping stones. Really, I do.

Whoever would've thought, it's exceedingly frustrating beyond words? Here I was thinking that I would be able to indulge in some nice, calming rock skipping. Quite clearly, I suppose, I'm in very desperate need of some form of entertainment.

Neville is just a few feet away, knee deep in the black lake, searching for plants or...something. He keeps to himself, relatively quiet, until he finds something he fancies that is. Needless to say I tried to be interested in his findings, but he lost me when he explained the difference between his two favorite books, Windogrand's Wondrous Water Plants and Magical Water Plants of the Mediterranean. I quickly realized I would have to entertain myself in order to survive this afternoon.

Harry's really not much help either. He's been a sulky baby all day long. Usually, weekends or evenings after classes are enjoyable. We would busy ourselves with Hogsmede trips, or Hermione would study and watch as Ron and Harry and I would go flying on our broomsticks when the Quidditch field was empty. Sometimes we'd even just relax in the common room and lounge around and do nothing, a rare entity for the four of us seeing as we're always the first to risk our lives for the protection of others and it typically overcomes the majority of our year. Because of this, for me at least, there's nothing I value more than evenings like those, spent around the fire in the common room. And at this very moment, there's nothing I miss more.

Ron and Harry's stupid fight has ruined all of that for us. Those two boys have been ignoring each other for weeks now. When they're not ignoring each other, they're bickering, supplying unnecessary comments and, really, acting like children. It's taken a toll on the whole group, for sure. I myself have hardly spoken to Ron in quite awhile and I really do miss my hungry, redhead pal.

I stomp my foot in frustration at another failed attempt at skipping rocks. This hasn't been relaxing at all, no, it's been absolutely infuriating. Why is it so hard? What am I doing wrong?

Why on earth do I care?

"Amazing," I turn, hoping to see something truly amazing this time, but to my disappointment, it's only yet another plant. "Amazing," Neville repeats himself, marvelling at whatever it is thats in his hands as if it were pure gold or something.

I'm really not too sure why I get my hopes up each time Neville speaks, he's commented on his water findings about seventeen times in the last thirty minutes and every time I get myself all excited, thinking it'll be some magical fish or something, but alas, it never is.

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