♂ the boy who felt helpless

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Hearing Arthur speak so violently was odd to me. Even when he would yell at Ron to wake up in the mornings, or when he would yell off the Weasley twins for the latest prank the pulled, he was never this serious. I could tell he was scared, he was trying his best to hide it, but I could see right through.

I had wanted so badly to remain in the tent. To go back to just five minutes ago where there were no worries and it was nothing but fun and games. But that was never an option.

I ran out of the tent first, I was as curious as I was hesitant. Ron, Hermione and (y/n) mimicked my actions and soon the four of us were staring at the once joyous, celebratory campground that had been destroyed to ruins. The party was over, gone without a trace.

The air was laced with a thick fog and the smell of smoke filled my lungs quickly and continuously each time I took a breath, making me cough violently, so roughly in fact, I felt lightheaded.

It was so smokey I had to squint to see something just two feet ahead of me, the fact that I still had no clue as to what was going on didn't help with the lightheadedness.

People were screaming left, right, an center. Opposite to the joyful cheering in the arena, these screams were filled with terror and I could feel every hair on the back of my neck stand up straight. They ran past holding bags filled with, what looked like whatever they could carry and the fear in their expressions and voices made it sound like they were running for their lives, which for all I knew they could've been.

I had been in enough life threatening situations in my fourteen years of life that I had a general idea of how things went down. I didn't have time to worry about what was happening, I had to act fast if I wanted to get out alive. Immediately I had turned around, scanning the area for (y/n). Even though she was about three feet to my left, the smoke made it seem like she were so much further.

"(y/n)!" I screamed.

She turned in my direction. I think she heard my voice before she saw me because it took longer for her to find me. When she did find me however she ran over to me clutching my arms. She was shaking intensely, she was scared and she didn't even try to hide it, something she was usually so good at doing.

"Are you okay?" I asked checking her over for visible wounds.

"I'm fine," she replied all too quickly as she looked around at everything except me.

She was out of breath, it was easy to tell. She looked like she had just ran a marathon or something. "Can we just get out of here?" panic was evident in her tone, I wasn't sure why she was so anxious but I didn't bother asking. She was too strong to admit it anyways.

HIS CHOSEN GIRL 2 ✵HPWhere stories live. Discover now