♀ the girl who screamed part 1

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C H A P T E R 17

"You and me."

Her scream comes out muffled from the large pillow I was holding over her face

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Her scream comes out muffled from the large pillow I was holding over her face.

She starts to thrash violently around in her bed and I remove the pillow, hoping she'll keep her silence. Fortunately for me she remains noiseless due to the state of shock she's in as told by the look on her panicked face.

As soon as she realizes that she's in no real danger the terror I'd just seen not two moments ago is replaced with a look of shear anger.

Now I'm the one who's scared.

Catching me off guard, she rips the pillow out of my hands and hits me right back with a force so strong I'm left winded on the cold castle floor.

My widened eyes quickly scan the room, hoping that the sounds of our unplanned pillow fight didn't wake anyone. I let out a breath of relief once I realize we're safe; as if I thought if I dared to breathe they would wake up. Luckily for me, the room remained still.

"y/n!" Hermione hisses at me, her hand over her heart. "What was that for?"

"Be quiet!" I retort, my eyes glancing over the room for a second time. "I just had to wake you up and I'd assumed you were going to scream when I hit you with the pillow so I placed it over your mouth so that it'd be muted."

Hermione eyes me as if I'm speaking another language to her. "Why was your first idea to hit, and nearly suffocate, me with a pillow?"

"Well I was going to pour cold water over your head but then you would've been drenched and angry."

Hermione's frustrations grows. "Could you not have just tapped me on the shoulder like a normal human being?"

"Well I could've but then-" I pause feeling a slight blush rise to my cheeks at the realization of my own stupidity. "Yeah. Yeah, that would've been a lot better."

Hermione rolls her eyes before pushing up the sleeve of her pajama shirt to check her watch. "y/n, it's 4:30 in the morning! We've got classes tomorrow don't you-"

"4:30?" I've already managed to forget the reason behind waking my best friend up. "Come on, we've got to go."

"What do you mean we have to- y/n. y/n!"

I began tiptoeing out of the dormitory leaving Hermione no choice but to follow me.

My plan works as I hear her pull her covers off and grab her slippers from the top of her trunk.  Next thing I know, she's stood right beside me and a satisfactory grin appears on my face.

Only once we've made our way to the empty common room so I dare to speak. "We're going to visit a friend of mine."

Hermione stops in her tracks and looks me over suspiciously. "Who could we possibly need
to visit at 4:30 in the morning?"


"The girl you chased through the halls yesterday?"

I nod.

"The one you said you were just checking up on," she air quotes the last bit of my sentence, the part where I said I was just checking up. I'd known since last night that she hadn't believed my story.

"Hermione, something's wrong. Something is coming, something bad. I think Sara is our best chance at figuring it out."

As quickly as I could, I fill Hermione in on what I knew. From meeting the physic first year at Ollivander's this summer to her breaking down the other day and telling me everything she knew.

Well, not everything.

Hermione refrained from asking any questions through the whole story. I was impressed, and somewhat confused.

"Alright then, let's go," Hermione declares as she walks towards the common room exit.

"That's it? No convincing? No questions? Nothing at all?"

"No questions needed. I mean obviously you're right. Clearly if there's something coming I find it best we be prepared in anyway we can. If this Sara holds the answers then I say she's our best bet."

The walk was silent as we try to remain unnoticed. If we get caught now, we're done for. 

"Hermione," I whisper. "One more thing, do you think we can keep this information to ourselves?"

Hermione nods. "I think it's for the best."

"Really?" I ask thinking there'd be more of a push to tell the boys what we know.

"Yes. Harry needs to focus on this tournament and finding out how his name was submitted. Ron, well... Ron doesn't exactly seem to be in the right headspace for detective work at the moment."

"So it's settled. We leave it like this, but just for awhile, yeah? Just me and you?"

"You and me."

I smile. "As it should be."

"And how it always will be," Hermione adds with a smile of her own.

The silence returns for a few seconds before I feel the need to speak again, "Well that was rather disgusting."

Finally, we arrive at the hospital wing. Thankfully the trip had gone fairly smoothly. Only one close call but we'd managed to go unnoticed.

"4:53," Hermione says.

"Right. We've got some time then."

I reach for the handle before hesitating. "You're sure the hospital staff haven't arrived yet?"

"Yes. Unless someone's practically dying in there, which we definitely would've heard about by now, I don't believe anyone will come until 6-6:30, at the earliest that is. We should be fine."

I nod and slowly push the doors open, just a crack, and stick my head in.

"It's clear," I say as I fully step into the hospital wing.

Cautiously Hermione and I look around the seemingly empty room. After a few moments of searching, Hermione taps my shoulder and points to the other side of the room where one bed is occupied.

When we approach the I slowly make my way to the figure and pull the covers back delicately. Her face is covered by her hair, but I'd recognize that platinum blonde anywhere. I look to Hermione and nod.

"Remember," she whispers. "Don't smother her with a pillow."

I roll my eyes before gently tapping Sara on the shoulder. When she doesn't open her eyes, I shake her shoulders. Still, she doesn't wake up.

I look to Hermione for help. She repeats my actions but still, Sara sleeps.

"See?" At least my pillow method was effective," I say reaching for Sara's pillow before Hermione can do or say anything to stop me.

As I pull the pillow out from under Sara, her head roughly hits the mattress, causing her blonde locks to move out of her face. I jump to see that her eyes are already open.

Hermione shakes her head as if she were refusing to believe what she saw. "y/n..."

It takes me a second, but among the realization,
I scream.

[note(s) from the author]
-i don't have a draft for the next chapter so i can't guarantee as fast of an update but ill come before april 15th i can promise you that
-love u all, appriciate u all

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