The Dark Side Of The Moon

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Sveta's POV
One day Karina took me and her to a movie the movie was Wreck It Ralph 2 if you were wondering. Since I was the rich one out of the 2 of us I paid for my own ticket and snacks and she paid for her own ticket and snacks. We laughed because I absolutely loved the original Wreck It Ralph and was hoping the second one would be as good. Karina seems like a good friend but we don't really connect. During the middle of the movie Karina's pinky was on my pinky and we were in the same armstand because I didn't want to be rude. As the end approached I was tying up my hair and some of it hit Karina's face and she smelled it.
"It smells amazing like it always did" I hear Karina mumble under her breath.
" What do you mean like it always did?"I ask
" I smelled some of your hair a couple of times when you weren't looking" said Karina
" What the heck are like into me or something?" I ask
" Um no some guys dared me to do it once" Karina replied
" Yeah once you did to me as you claim multiple times. Did you not?" I yelled
" She probably is into you cuz she's a fag. But your new to the school so I don't expect you to know that" said some kid from my PE class
" So I get away from 2 faggots to be next to another" I said
" And by the way there was no dare"Karina said
" Well I wanted friends and as long as you promise to stop smelling my hair and locking pinkies with me and other fag stuff I'll forgive you" I said
"Fine I'll stop smelling your hair and stuff" said Karina
Karina's POV
So how it went with Sveta was unexpected but really it wasn't she was gonna find out anyway but hey I could take to watch the stars I love doing that.
"Hey let's play a game" I said
"What kind of game? And what is it called?"
Sveta asked
"Its a game I invented its like truth or dare and its called "The Dark Side of The Moon""I said
"Sounds mysterious. How do you play?" Sveta asks
"Well I ask its like truth or dare but instead I ask you this really deep questions about any topic or play would you rather." I reply
"Okay so let me try"says Sveta "Would you rather kill a school full of high schoolers or a school full of 5 year olds"
" High schoolers duh" I reply
" Okay well actually this is how you play it. I tell you some stuff about me and you tell me some stuff about you." I reply
" Okay I see so well I can't start with my name cuz you already know that. Well I was born in Moscow so my primary language is Russian. My only good friend as of right now is my brother. I hate a lot of things like most people, gay pride, Mexican food, Chinese food, Indian food, school, homework, gay Fan fiction, my Mexican neighbors, Jewish people, people who hate war, sweating, gym class, the smell of paint, interracial relationships,drugs especially weed, people who hurt themselves like idiots, anal sex, my "mom", New York, fat people, poor people, losers, drag kings/queens, trans people,waking up, life, The Fosters, twilight, teenage drama shows, pop music , rap music, black culture,the smell of crayons, Black Lives Matter activist, police, feminists, drunks, Tumblr, Wattpad, tampons, existence, languages other than Russian not influenced or related to Russian, liberals, LGBTQ+ people,
Being called racist, the word lesbian, myself for my faggot urges,women in power, mental illness. I like the Columbine shooters and how relatable they are especially Eric I mean Dylan's cool to,Russian, white people, Russian/white pride, people who resist there faggot urges, rich people,death, guns, everything dark and scary, Goths, the color black, dreaming of dying", my brother( as my only friend not in a creepy incest way), and that's about it. I feel attracted to women but I am in no way a lesbian and I feel wrong just saying that word. I love Eric Harris who is my fucking idol. I want to die and think about it a lot, and sometimes she hears voices , I've been bullied since I was six after my firsy crush on this girl and it sucked. I was further convinced being gay was wrong. My brother is the only person that understands and I feel like my "mom" abandoned me it sucks" says Sveta
" Damn that's a lot well um
You already know my name. So I was born in Tennessee but came to New York as an infant and I love it. I'm Puerto Rican and Dominican and my stepdad is black. I never knew what happened to my birth dad. I have 2 brothers I don't like. And here is a list of things I hate: The smell of (paint,glue,crayons,greasy dishes), jocks,perfect people,bullies,vampire fantasy,gangsters,gossipers,popular kids,gym class,organized religion, how I am compared to others, family dynamic,myself,the sound of hand dryers
Things I like: German,Russian,and Arabic accents,brownies,curries,and Goths, YouTube,chokers, music(rock,punk,industrial,some hip hop), decent documentaries,competence,imagining want it would be like to use drugs,good friends, magical things, realistic fiction,sleeping and BDSM,and the Columbime shooters especially Dylan.
Mental health status:In question
Suicide attempts:0 but frequent suicidal thoughts. So yeah were done playing ."

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