Chapter 5: Memories and Razors

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Joey's POV.

I hate what I did. Every second after that moment I couldn't do it anymore. I said bye to Meagan and ran home. I locked myself in my room. I saw a razor across the room. I sat on my bed, hugging my knees. I stood up, walking over to pick up the razor. Before I could do anything I heard a knock at my door. I dropped the razor and opened the door.

Zoe: Joey! What did you do to Shane!

Joey: I don't know..

I honestly didn't know, one moment I was standing beside him. Then the next I was beating him. I sat on bed and she sat beside me.

Zoe: Why did you do it?

She sounded caring, but I didn't want help right now. I just wanted to cut myself.

Joey: I don't know, but I don't care.

Zoe: You don't care? Joey, Shane's in the hospital. What has gotten into you?

What have I done. I hurt him so badly that he's in the hospital. I liked him. But I just couldn't be with him. Why did I do this. I ran to the bathroom, grabbing the razor on the way. I also grabbed Shane's jacket that he let me have. I locked myself in there, Zoe pounding on the door.

Zoe: I saw you grab the razor! Joey don't!

Joey: Go away.

I rolled up my jacket, revealing the scars. I cut and cut. Every cut hurt more and more. Blood ran down my arm, onto the floor. If I died, the last thing I wanted to think of was him. Shane. I thought of the time we kissed in detention. His light blue eyes. I cut one more time, then it all went black. Then Zoe finally broke down the door.

Zoe: Joey!

I felt her pick me up and reach for the phone to call 911. I held his jacket in my hand, remember Shane. All I had was memories now.


Shane's POV.

I was in a field. I started walking towards a person. I didn't know who it was. As I got got closer to the person, I recognized his hair. He was in a suit and so was I. I stood in front of him, and looked to the right. People were in chairs, watching us. I turned to the left to find a pastor. I was getting married. The man that I was going to marry, smiled at me. I smiled back, looking into his eyes. The ground below him began to sink, along with him. Everything around us turned to black, as we stood in a dark room. He began to sink below the earth, crying. He reached his arm out and I reached mine out. It was to late, I couldn't reach him. Tears fell down my cheeks, I couldn't save him. He whispered something before he was gone.

?: Save me..

Shane: No!

Why didn't I save him. Why did I do wrong. I fell to my knees and cried more and more. He was gone. Forever.


Joey's POV.

I was in a dark room. With a man in a suit in front of me. I began to sink into the earth. I tried to get out but I couldn't. I began to cry, tears running down my cheeks. I reached out my hand and the man reached out his. But I was to late. I had no control of my body. I couldn't move.

Joey: Save me..

I sunk into the earth, leaving the man. In the distance I heard something.

?: No!


Tyler's POV.

I sitting in the chair next to Shane's. He was in a coma for 4 hours. The other boy next to him was also in a coma for 4 hours. I sat there until Shane started to move like he was having a bad dream. He opened his eyes.

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