5. Lean on Me

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"You're lucky I love you" Ali says as she walks in and pulls open my drapes causing sunlight to pierce through my windows and into my eyes. I groan, burying my head in my pillows hoping to escape the pounding headache I can already feel. "I called in for you this morning and you're lucky that Maya didn't answer the phone so I didn't have to explain to her that her fuck buddy drank himself into a stupor last night over her. What the fuck Matthews? How old are we?"

"Who are you? My mother?" I demand as I sit up, my entire body revolting against me in the process. My head is pounding, my stomach is churning and my vision is still a bit blurry.

"No I'm not but I'm about as close to her as you'll get without a drive down to Philly" she snips, hands on her hips. I really hoped that someday she and Beth adopted, she would honestly be the best mother a child could dream of having and despising. "What the fuck happened last night?"

Last night. Shit. That poor girl. It was irresponsible to bring her home and she probably thought that it was all her fault. "Nothing" I grumble. It was the truth. Thanks to Maya I was ruined for any other woman.

"Nothing? Uh huh. Try again" she presses, crossing her arms over her chest.

I groan, falling back into my heap of pillows. "I brought a girl home."

She scoffs, rolling her eyes. "Of course you did. Why?" she demands angrily. "I thought you liked M-."

"Stop saying her name" I growl causing her eyes to widen slightly in shock. I never rose my voice to her and I hated the look of terror that passed over her features.

There was a reason that I was the one to step in and help Ali in her time of need; her father used to beat the shit out of her when we were in high school. He didn't understand that being gay wasn't a choice and he insisted he could 'fix her.' I wanted to fix his face when I found out what he'd been doing to Ali and I almost did but she talked me off the ledge and instead promised to stay with my family until her absentee mother finally came back from an extended business trip and Ali finally told her what had been going on in her absence. Her mother quit her job and found one that would keep her in Philly with her daughter and things were great until cancer claimed her life during our freshman year in college. Thus when Ali fell on hard times I was the one to catch her and I promised her I'd always protect her.

"Al I'm sorry" I apologize, sitting up and beckoning her towards me. She slowly shuffles across the floor and I pat the bed beside me. "I shouldn't have yelled. I'm sorry" I apologize, taking her hand in mine. "I do like her" I admit begrudgingly causing her brown eyes to dazzle with excitement. I remember when I was crushing on her and I could tell you what every flicker of color in her eyes meant...the slight amber tinge was excitement and it was clear as day as she bounced on my bed.

"Joshie oh my god" she yelps. "When are you gonna make your move?" she asks impatiently.

I sigh, shaking my head. "No, Al you don't understand. I'm fucking crazy about her but she works for me and besides" I pause, taking a deep breath. "I think she got back with her ex. I saw him walking into her place yesterday."

Her face falls and her bouncing ceases as she stares at me, her smile turning to a frown. "What?" she asks disappointedly. "Josh I'm so sorry."

"It's fine. It was just one night Al. It meant nothing."

"But it meant something to you" she argues. "And hon it's been so long since I've seen you smile; since Claire" she adds carefully making my heart lurch.

"We both remember how well that worked out" I scoff. "This is why I gave up on dating. I'm shit at it."

"No you're not" she insists, squeezing my hand. "It'll all work out. Just have a little faith babe."

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