22. Her Drunk Billionare

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I lose count of my drinks. I promised Alison that if we went out that I'd behave and only have a couple but after six they all started to blur together until I was absolutely plastered. I'm on the dance floor with some random red head pressed against me while my head does it's best to convince me that it's Maya unfortunately she's much too skinny and bony to pass for my girl. 

I push her away and head back towards the bar where Alison and Beth are residing, sharing a Cosmo. "This sucks" I insist, downing the rest of my beer that was resting on the bar and Alison snickers, shaking her head. 

"Babe I told you that this wouldn't solve anything. Why don't we go home and you can get some rest" she suggests, reaching out for my elbow but I shake my head, stumbling back from her touch. 

"I am not going back there" I insist, looking back out into the sea of girls. "I am staying here and if you do not want to be here then" I trail off, losing my train of thought. I hated being drunk. Even when I brought women home every night I still never got this far past intoxicated. Being out of control was not something I handled well. 

"Then we can go" she finishes, raising an eyebrow at me. "Mhm fine. Find your way home without us then" she snips, scooting off the stool and grabbing Beth's hand. 

I think about calling after her to stop her but at this point I really don't care nor am I in the mood for her common sense and logic. I just wanted to wipe the memory of Maya from my brain and since the alcohol couldn't seem to do the trick...I needed a real distraction. 


Maya's POV

I walk back up the driveway of Josh's house after taking some time to myself. I had gone to get a bite to eat and sat with my thoughts for a while until I finally came to a consensus. I knew exactly what I was going to tell Josh. 

I twist the doorknob but it doesn't budge and I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. I look at my phone. It had been a couple of hours but I doubted that Josh would've gone out without me. I ring the doorbell and stand outside, tapping my foot against the pavement impatiently. "Babe where the hell are you?" I murmur, looking back at my phone and dialing his number. 

It rings and rings and rings with no response and I groan. There was no way he could still be asleep through my doorbell ringing and his cell phone going off. I get his voicemail and sigh. "Uh hey babe. I'm outside your house and you apparently aren't home. Please call me back when you get this. I'm worried" I add before hanging up and taking a seat on the front step. 

If only I had given him my answer before, I'd already have a key to the damn house. 

About twenty minutes later a car pulls up and my heart jumps out of my chest before I realize that it's not Josh but instead it's the girls. I sigh, stalking towards them. "Um have you seen my boyfriend?" I demand, throwing my hands up in frustration. Alison looks at me as if she's seen a ghost. 

"W-what are you doing here?" she stutters, stepping towards me. 

I narrow my eyes at her. "What are you talking about? I'm dating your best friend! I'm here all the damn time."

"No but" she shakes her head, trailing off. "But he asked you to move in and you left."

My heart drops and my eyes widen as her words settle with me. Josh had asked me to move in and after I told him I'd think about it I 'left.' Of course I only went to get a little space to think but I didn't tell him that because he was asleep. "Oh my god" I exclaim. I shouldn't be shocked that the only man on the planet with as many abandonment problems as me would think that I had actually left but then again I never claimed to be good at relationships. "Where is he?" I ask, dreading the answer. 

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