7. In Her Head

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Maya's POV

You went too far. Lately that's all I think after a conversation with Josh. It's like my mouth has a mind of it's own and it just spews whatever it wants without thinking of the consequences.

I sigh, putting my car in park and climbing out. I head inside and I'm immediately met with the sound of kissing coming from the living room.

My house was tri-level with a main floor which included a den, the front closet and a kitchen. The bottom floor held my sunken living room, a bedroom that Caleb was inhabiting at the moment and a bathroom across from it while the top floor included my bedroom and ensuite bathroom. It was a modest home that I blew all my savings on when Caleb and I were discussing marriage a few months back. Silly me, I thought this would be the perfect starter home and now it was just a reminder of everything I was promised and had ripped away from me.

"Caleb" the girl yelps and I roll my eyes as I slam the door shut. The thump that follows the action makes a smile tug at my lips.

I walk further into the house and turn right, leaning against the wall and looking down into my living room and crossing my arms over my chest. "Stacey" I snip at the slutty blonde on the floor. She was the same woman that I had caught him with the night that we ended things, apparently what they had was true love. It still shocked me that Caleb had managed to keep her around despite having to move back in with me but I suppose desperation loves company.

"Hello Maya" she replies, standing up off the floor where she fell off from the couch. "Caleb said you were working late." I roll my eyes. I loved how my guest thinks he can just invite people over to my house.

"Hm how nice of him to invite you over in my absence. I assume you remember where the door is unless of course you'd like to use the window. I know you were well acquainted when Caleb and I were together" I snip causing her to purse her lips.

"Maya must you always bring that up?" Caleb questions as he stands up, showing off his ripped chest through his unbuttoned shirt. I bring my bottom lip between my teeth as I allow my eyes to drink him in. He may be a dick but he was still sculpted to perfection and as a woman who hasn't had sex in weeks it was easy to get riled up at the sight of him. He always was good in bed...not as good as Josh but-.

No! Stop thinking about him!

"Oh I'm sorry am I not supposed to be upset that you were having sex with another woman while we were together?" I ask, glaring at him angrily.

"I-I should go" Stacey stutters. "Bye baby" she adds as she leans in and pecks Caleb's lips before brushing past me and walking towards the front door. The second it slams shut I turn on my heels in a huff.

"What the fuck is your problem lately?" he questions as he follows me to the kitchen. "Does someone need to get laid?" he smirks. I roll my eyes as I pull open the fridge.

"Keep it up and someone will need to get punched" I snip, looking over the fridge door and glaring at him. "Did you actually look at places today or did you spend the entire day inside Stacey?" I question as I pull out a bottle of Ros.

"We looked around" he shrugs causing me to roll my eyes. "Maya I just need a few more-."

"A few more what?" I snap as I pull a wine glass down from the cupboard. "You were the one who showed up homeless on my doorstep and I'm the one who against my better judgement is letting you stay here. If I were smart I would've turned you away just like Stacey's roommate did when she found out you were sleeping on their couch and eating all their food."

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