11. What Are We?

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Hello lovelies! I'm back...again and I'm here with a little update on what's been going on in my life and why updates have been so sporadic. A few weeks back I started my job and my life has been pretty much consumed by. I'm working a lot of hours and it's been tiring me out to the point of coming home and sleeping leaving little time for me to write. Also, last week was my annual family vacation which was some much needed rest and relaxation and I only got one chapter of a book done while I was up there. But now I'm home and off for a couple days so here I am with updates. I can't promise they'll be frequent or as often as usual but I'm trying my best to find a balance with everything in my life right now and it's been a little tricky. I really appreciate your patience and I hope you all continue to read and enjoy my books as writing them is still one of my favorite things to do in my free time. I love you all so much and I hope you enjoy these updates.  


Hospital waiting rooms are the worst. They're small, filled with uncomfortable chairs and anxious loved ones. Since I was old enough to understand what happened to me as a baby I never could understand how my family spent days sitting here hoping and praying that I'd pull through. Now, I was the shoulder to cry on for my best friend who could only hope that Beth would be okay.

"T-the car just came out of nowhere" Ali stutters, repeating the story to me for the hundredth time since I got here hours ago. I had left the tree farm around ten o'clock and now it was already nearing four in the morning. Beth's condition was stable so she wasn't rushed into surgery right away but as of right now she had been in the OR for almost an hour.

I nod, tightening my grip around her and kissing the top of her head. "I know Al" I coo, attempting to soothe her. She and Beth had decided to take a break from their day in bed and left to go get some dinner. Unfortunately a drunk had just left the local pub and started driving on the wrong side of the road at the same time. Alison never even saw him coming and now Beth was in surgery for multiple broken bones inflicted on her on impact. I knew Ali would never forgive herself for this even though it wasn't her fault but I also knew that the best way for her to deal with the situation was for me to listen and let her talk everything out. "I'm here for you."

Another hour passes with no news and Alison finally falls asleep after running out of tears. I sit with her for another ten minutes, making sure she's really out before finally getting up and stretching my legs. It was almost six in the morning which meant we had already been waiting for eight hours and I was exhausted and uncomfortable. I wanted to be home in my bed...and perhaps call Maya.

I pull out my phone and scroll through my contacts, hovering over her name hesitantly. "Screw it" I murmur as I click on her name and bring my phone to my ear.

"Hello" she yawns. Fuck. It's six in the morning, of course she isn't up yet. I should've waited another hour but of course I'm impatient as hell.

"Shit. Sorry Maya" I apologize. Honestly, it would be a wonder if she didn't quit before we even made any headway in our complicated relationship.

"No, no" she argues as the sheets rustle around her letting on that she's sitting up and I've clearly gained her attention. "What's going on? How's Beth?" she asks quickly, seemingly remembering my abrupt departure last night.

"She's in surgery. They didn't start until a little after three so" I trail off, rubbing my neck. "It wasn't an emergency situation so I suppose it can't be that bad...right?" Honestly I just wanted someone to reassure me that she really would be alright; that I hadn't been filling my best friend with false hope all night.

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