By my side

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*Sorry it took me so long to write this I am busy studying for state testing.*

Since the day I was used as bait I had been having nightmares. None were too terrible mostly about monsters coming and eating me whole. The thing I always loved about waking up after them though was that Spencer was always there to comfort me. He would feel my restless tossing and turning moments before I would wake up and he would turn over and pull me into his arms. Once I would wake up he would remind me that it was just a dream and I was safe.

I was having a bad dream that I was in the jet and it started crashing and Spencer died. When I awoke from the dream Spencer was not in bed and all I could do was sit there curled up in a ball and cry. I heard footsteps coming from the kitchen and then someone sat down on the bed. I was too afraid to lift my head thinking it was an intruder. I heard the unknown being set a cup down on the nightstand. All of a sudden I felt Spencer's familiar warm embrace and his hand pulling my head into his chest as he rubbed the back of my head.

"It's ok baby I'll always be by your side." He whispered in my ear before kissing my cheek. I smiled and took a deep breath. Spencer let me lay comfortably enough so that I could go back to sleep but tonight I found that I couldn't. Spencer decided a cup of tea and some TV might help take my mind off of it.

Spencer carried me out to the living room and set me down on the couch with the blanket. He turned on the TV and handed me the remote. I sat on the couch with the blanket shielding me from the cold bite of the living rooms air. I flipped through the channels trying to find a good movie but sadly there were none.

"Spencer," I called out to the kitchen hoping he would hear. He came out of the kitchen with a keep of hot tea in his hand and the pour bottle for the sugar.

"What did you need?" He asked as he remained standing.

"can we get my PS4 later I want to use it for Netflix and youtube," I asked as I poured some sugar into the tea. He looked at me as if he was thinking.

"I'll go get it right now I was going to go out and get some snacks anyway." He said and rubbed my head. I smiled as he walked off to put his shoes on and grab his house and car keys. I took a sip of my tea and flipped to a kid show that was playing. I sat and watched till I heard someone fiddling with the front door. I assumed it was Spencer until in walked a strong man.

One of the men grabbed me and covered my mouth while the other went to the kitchen and grabbed a chair. They tied me to the chair and covered my head. I couldn't see who it was because he was wearing a mask. I freaked out trying to break loose from the chair.

"It's ok it's just me I'm pranking Spence." I heard a familiar voice say but I couldn't quite make it out. Just then I could hear Spencer walk in and immediately damned to know who the masked man was. All of a sudden I felt someone run past me and heard a thud.

"It's just me pretty boy" I could hear the masked man say and I then knew who it was. I could feel someone untying me and then I looked over to see Morgan standing there with a bloody nose. I couldn't help but laugh. Spencer picked me up and set me on the couch before carrying grabbing a cookie and handing it to me.

Morgan went to set up my PS4 and then handed me the controller. I turned it on and put on a scary movie. I sat cuddled up next to Spencer while watching the movie until I fell asleep.

*Hope you enjoyed.*

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