I always loved the snow.
It always reminded me that the world still has some purity.
But now I love it more ever since I met him.
[jungkook x male reader]
#3 on 'don't like don't read'
mama says that she loves me but she hates giving me hugs or kisses. she only gently caressed my face once but i could feel her hands trembling and her eyes shaking with fear.
minsoo is too young to know how i have destroyed his life. i have told him so many lies to preserve his sweet innocence. he's going to eventually hate me like everyone does.
even if i told jungkook that we can't talk, he has given up. he hasn't even texted me. shows how much he cares about me.
the others also haven't been texting me either. they're probably focusing on more bigger things then me since i am nothing more than waste.
You're wrong
shut up. what do you know? you're just a voice in my head.
Explain why Soyi adopted you. She saw something inside you. She saw a lost and broken child and wanted to help you. She raised you as your own and you are her son now.
Explain why Jiae stayed by your ass for most of your life. She loved you as a brother. She would do anything for you. She protected you from bullies, made you laugh when you needed it and asked if you were more than I can count.
Explain why Yoongi and Namjoon told you time and time again that you matter in the world and you are valued more that you realise. They know what you're going through but know you will refuse help at all cost. They know it in their hearts and always take every chance they get to tell you. They want you to know that you are amazing and unique and a damn good human being.
Now the biggest evidence that I have that people love you. Jungkook. Explain all the times that he slithered his hand to hold yours. Explain why his cheeks turn pink when he does this. Explain the stutters that he utters when you smile at him unexpectedly. Explain why he laughs at everything you say. Explain why he's such an awkward mess around you.
stop it. just stop it!
He loves you!
no he doesn't! stop it! don't you see how many people hates me?!
jina turned against me when i was only eleven. we done everything together. we drew together, laughed together, played together, kicked ass together. then she decided to kick me. she was the closest person i had to me besides jiae! i trusted her! i did something, anything to make her hate me. i don't even know what i did!
my own cousin hates me for no reason.
So what?! You're such a little baby! You make up excuses out of nothing! Look around you! Can't you see the love oozing out of this house? Cant you feel the love from your mother and brother that they have to you?! Your house is littered with pictures of Minsoo's drawings of you as a big family! I can't believe you!
how about daehyun, hmm? i trusted him to have my back. he didn't help me. he just watched as i got picked on and as i got called mean slurs. we knew each other since 8th year. he wasn't never really my friend. he was just there purely for pity.
YOu'Re RIgHt
who are you?
yOU fEel ThAT nO OnE LOVes You
BuT If yOu LeT go, YoU'll FinALLy FeEL wHole.
YOu'Ll FiNALly Be FrEe
If, yoU Do, JuST ObeY mE
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