White Impact: Ch. 1- Just the Beginning

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Niall’s POV

1 ½  hours before the wave.

I look up at the Statue of Liberty… ‘God Bless America.’ I think to myself and laugh. I shiver a little, is it just me or is it getting a little chilly?

“What are you laughing at?” Liam asks me. He’s my best friend and has been since we met in a London café when we were only 15. Those were my rebel days. I had just run away from home and Liam was just out of school for the summer. He had taken me in and helped me turn my life around.

“Nothing I was just thinking about how amazing a view this is.” It is my first time in America. I’ve only heard stories about it, and let me tell you, it’s much different than Mullingar. After dinner we decided to do at least one touristy thing before heading in for our hotel. Liam and I agreed on a ferry ride to Liberty Island.

I look around in complete awe. This doesn’t happen to people from Mullingar. If it weren’t for Liam I would probably be homeless or worse… I shake off the thought as the ferry docks and we step onto the island. The statue is beautiful. The sun is setting and if I were with a girl it would be the perfect moment to make a move.

The romance takes a few other couples by storm and soon there are loads of couples kissing and then looking out onto the harbour. Liam and I look at each other awkwardly for a moment and then laugh. The city looks ridiculously picturesque and many people snap pictures that I’m sure will turn out amazing. Liam and I continue up the walkway to the statue.

Once inside, the view is breathtaking. The sun has finally set and the city lights are on. I’ve been all over Europe, but this is near the top of my list of most beautiful skylines.


I collapse onto the bed in our hotel room. The bed is what would be expected of a hotel. Just the plane tickets were expensive so we couldn’t afford an amazing hotel. Liam flicks on the tele and we watch American television. It’s late and a familiar face comes on the screen.

Jay Leno “GOOOOD EVENING AMERICA. I’M JAY LENO AND I’LL BE ATTEMPTING TO AMUSE YOU FOR A WHILE.” I laugh and we relax in our bed, Liam acts a little weird as we watch TV together. I let it go and minutes later I get up to brush my teeth and put my pajamas on. Liam takes no notice. I walk into the bathroom and flip on the light.

There are about two terrifying seconds when I am blinded by the florescent light. My eyes adjust and I lay out my toiletries. The first thing I do is take off my shirt. After I’m comfortable in boxers I look at in my green bag until I locate my toothbrush and paste. I start lazily scrubbing my teeth when Liam calls, “Niall, I think you might want to see this.”

Brush still in mouth, I walk out of the bathroom. Liam’s sitting on the edge of the bed staring deeply at the tele. “Liam?” He doesn’t say anything but instead points a finger at the screen. I flick my eyes from him to the television and what I see is a reporter standing on snow. But even in the States it’s summer. “Wait but how does that happen?”

“Shh, just listen.” He stares so intently at the screen it’s starting to make me nervous. I sit on the bed next to him.

I’ve given up on brushing my teeth and the brush hangs limply in my mouth as the reporter talks. “Scientists can’t explain it. The waves just got bigger and now Florida is experiencing an amazingly intense cold front.” She kicks the snow and continues with a “back to you Matt.” Then I spot the red words in the upper right corner.

“Liam this was previously recorded.” I roll my eyes.

“Yeah… last week.” He pauses and his words sink in.

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