1. «eɴdoυ мαмorυ»

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¤ Eufonius - Anemoi ¤
Endou Mamoru

» The things we want to convey and trust in
reflect what's in our hearts... our sun. «


That day Endou woke up before his alarm rang. The brunette got up, dressed himself and headed down to kitchen. He rushed down the stairs, just barely managing to avoid his head getting crashed against floor.

"Ohaoyo!" The excited teen greeted his mother while running past her. While on his way, he made sure to grab two pieces of bread from the table. He quickly stuffed one of them into his mouth.

"Mamoru, are you not going to eat breakfast?" Atsuko yelled after him, but the boy was already at the front door. He made a quick glance at his mother.

"Sorry not today, I'm in hurry! Bread is enough. I'm going!" The boy shouted while having his mouth full of bread. He munched it and swallowed. The other bread found its way to Endou's mouth.

"Mamoru!" Atsuko yelled after her son, but he was already out. She sighed. "What do I do with him?" she asked, sitting down opposite to her husband.

The man raised his head from the magazine and smiled. "Don't worry. It's the youth."

This was exactly the reason why she was worried. That son of her was a soccer idiot, just like her father had been.

Endou grinned while running towards the school. Today was the day! Today he would get the transfer student Gouenji Shuuya to join the soccer club. The team was in need of his powers. Endou looked up to the sky and laughed, he was so pumped up!

The brunette finally reached the school. He looked around himself, in search of the spiky-haired striker. Gouenji was nowhere to be seen. Well, after all it was still two hours till school started.

Really, who would come to school at 6.30 in the morning? Only the soccer idiot – officially named as Endou Mamoru.

But Endou didn't have to wait for long. Just as the minute hand moved to 12 and it was 7 am, Endou saw Gouenji making his way to the school gate. A wide smile appeared on the brunettes face. He so had been waiting for this!

"GOUENJI!" Endou called for the striker and waved his hand when the white-head glanced at him. Gouenji made a troubled expression, but Endou didn't see it (or just decided to ignore it). He had no time for it. He wanted Gouenji to join the soccer club.

When Gouenji had walked to Endou the brunette spoke with sparkling eyes. "Gouenji! I want you to join the soccer club!"

Gouenji sighed, walking past Endou while ignoring him. When Endou was about to call him again, the striker showed a dark expression.

"I'm not going to play soccer ever again!" With those words, he left the stunned goalkeeper and entered the main building. 

Endou was speechless. How could someone not want to play soccer, when it was so much fun? He just didn't understand it!

Staring at Gouenji going, Endou didn't notice how Aki approached him.

"Endou-kun. Are you okay?" the girl seemed worried. Well, anyone would be. The boy was standing alone before the school gate motionless like rock and was staring into the distance. Had something happened to him?

The enthusiastic goalkeeper returned back to the reality. "Oh. Ohayo. Aki." he greeted the girl, looking stunned. After that he pulled himself together by slapping his cheeks. This wasn't the time to feel down. He needed Gouenji!

He just had to find the perfect moment to ask him.

The lunch break!


"For how many times I already told you that I'm not joining the team!"

"But soccer is so fun! Why did you abandon it? Come on, I want you on my team!"

"I'm not going to join the team! My decision is final so can you please leave me alone!" Gouenji tried to shake off Endou while heading towards the cafeteria. It was no use though, Endou was too persistent.

"But if you stop playing then Yuuka-chan will surely be sad! Even if she got into that accident because of soccer, you can't just throw it away from your life. I'm sure that Yuuka-chan will be sad if you stop playing." Endou continued to convince the striker who was as persistent as him.

Gouenji stopped without warning and Endou ended up crashing on him. While Endou was massaging his nose, the spiky-haired boy was staring at him with murderous look.

"How do you know about Yuuka?" the strikers' voice was piercing. He demanded to know just where Endou had heard about his younger sister.

The brunette laughed desperately, trying to come up with something. After all he couldn't tell Gouenji that he had followed him all the way to hospital. Gouenji would think that he was a stalker.

As Gouenji got no answer, he sighed letting Endou's answer to slip by. He took another last glance at the boy. "Mark my words. I'm not going to join the team." Once again, he left the stunned, poor goalkeeper alone. Yet again, Endou had failed to get himself a striker.

After the incident Endou stopped to bother Gouenji all the time, but still he tried to convince the striker every now and then. Yet, the answer was always the same; Gouenji refused to join the team.

Well, then happened the Teikoku invasion and Gouenji was moved by Endous heartfelt words... (or something like that...).

Who could've thought that Gouenji would join the soccer team of a no-name school when a champion school Teikoku was after him?


Most likely no one.


After all we're no clairvoyants, right? (Wait... What does that even mean...?)


Endou was more than just happy to have Gouenji on the team. His efforts were paid off. They finally had a striker! The brunette walked to Gouenji and smacked his back. "And what you said about not joining the team?"

Gouenji let a smile. "That I'm joining?" the striker asked playfully, bursting into laughter at Endous' dumbfounded expression.

The brunette then laughed while rubbing his nose. "Gouenji, let me show you the world of soccer."


» If we scribe it onto this wide sky, someday,
it will be able protect everything! «

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