2. «ĸαzeмαrυ ιcнιroυтα»

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¤ Yoko Hikasa - Don't Say Lazy ¤ 
Kazemaru Ichirouta

» My future is promising, that's why I take rests sometimes. «


[Kazemaru was originally reguested on FFN, by Shiranai Atsune.]  


"Kazemaru-senpai!" A teal-haired boy was pulled back to reality when he heard someone calling his name. Kazemaru opened his eyes and looked up, only to see two angry first years glaring at him.

"Kazemaru-senpai, are you taking a nap, again? Everyone is here to train but all you ever do is taking naps, deyansu..." Kurimatsu Teppei scolded his senior. Kabeyama stood next to him and nodded his head in agreement.

Kazemaru scanned his surroundings and realized that he was in the soccer clubroom. He stood up and stretched. "Oh, it's the time already. I guess I should head home." The boy let out a yawn.

The first year's expressions darkened.

Just as they were about to say something, Endou walked into the clubroom. "Kazemaru, Kurimatsu and Kabeyama. See you all tomorrow." He laughed while returning the used soccer balls to their place.

"Captain, Kazemaru-senpai is being lazy again! He skipped the practice." Kabeyama complained to the captain. He was angry at Kazemaru but also he was worried. The teal-head wasn't the type to skip practices.

Endou turned to Kazemaru, trying to remember if he had seen the boy during the practice. His expression froze. He hadn't. The brunette was about to say something, but then stopped. Kazemaru's expression told him more than needed.

"Just be sure to come tomorrow, okay?" Endou just laughed and then ran off to pick up more balls.

Kazemaru sighed. Thankfully Endou understood him. Sometimes he was even crept out that he could use non-verbal communication with the captain. That was something like a miracle. The boy let out a loud yawn and walked out of the clubroom completely ignoring his two juniors.

Kazemaru squinted when the sunset hit his eyes. Looking at it, he smiled. Really, why should he be caring about practice? He already knew what he wanted. He wanted to become a soccer player.

And if that didn't work, he could always return to track-and-field. After all his speed hadn't fallen yet; it was the opposite. He was even faster that he had been back in his track-and-field club days.

So it was alright if he used few days just to sleep and let his body rest.

And no, his resolve wasn't futile! He really did aim to become a national level player. He wasn't being half-assed about his dream.

The boy headed towards sports store, to get a new pair of cleats. His previous pair had already gotten so worn out that he couldn't use them. He had ordered a new pair which had arrived the day earlier. Now he could finally join the practice.

Kazemaru opened the door and walked in. The owner greeted him. He told the man about his order and the owner smiled at him. He went to get a package from the backroom.

"Thank you." Kazemaru thanked the man and took the box with his new cleats. The boy paid for them and headed out. Kazemaru stepped out of the shop while smiling widely.

Finally, he had new cleats and could join everyone in the practice. He liked to slack off, but more than anything he loved to train together with his friends.

Kazemaru hadn't managed to walk much when he suddenly heard a dog barking behind him.

"Watch out!" He heard a loud yell, but it was already too late. He got attacked by the dog. It took many minutes to get the dog and boy separate.

"Moo- I'm really sorry. He usually doesn't attack people... I really don't know what's gotten to him... " The owner of the dog apologized to Kazemaru. He told that it was nothing. With a dozen of more apologies the owner and the dog continued their way.

Kazemaru smiled. Nothing could ruin his day now that he had a new pair of clea... The boy stared at the shoes that just little ago could be called cleats.

No, it wasn't freaking true!

This couldn't be happening to him... and just when he had hoped to join the practice...

Curse the world!

Kazemaru sighed. He had no other way but to order a new pair and wait for another week. Currently he was in such a bad mood that he was ready to choke the wicked person who was writing about his life.

(Please don't do it!)

The boy headed out. His day had been ruined. (Thanks to a certain someone...)


"Kazemaru-senpai!" The teal-head heard someone call for him. He opened his eyes and found Kurimatsu and Shourinji staring at him.

"Please don't tell me that you're going to skip practice again?" Kirumatsu complained. Kazemaru got up and glanced at the clock. It was the time; it was the time for practice.

"Let's start the practice." Endou laughed as he walked to the clubroom to get some soccer balls. He found Kazemaru together with the first years. "Oh! It's great to see you all here already." He was happy to see someone coming before him.

"Endou-senpai! Kazemaru-senpai is planning on skipping the practice again!" Shourinji complained to the captain. Endou froze and then turned to look at Kazemaru. The teal head got startled of the sudden glance and could only smile as an answer.

"Is that right?" Endou asked. His voice seemed little chill.

"That's right! He's being lazy again! Kazemaru-senpai hasn't come to practice for two weeks already, deyansu." Kurimatsu told. He had kept the count because he didn't like irresponsible people. Endou glanced at the boy but in the end he still waited to hear Kazemaru's answer.

"The juniors are getting too worked up." Kazemaru started to laugh all of a sudden.

A smile appeared on Endous face. Could it be... he was finally returning?

"My new cleats arrived yesterday so I will be joining you in practice, Captain." The teal-head then told. Endou dropped the ball he was holding in his hands.

"Welcome back!" He ran to hug his friend.

It was nice to be lazy, but in the end, he liked the hardworking Kazemaru better.


» The most important thing is to appreciate yourself. 
If you can't forgive yourself, then others can't, either. «

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