5. «rαιмoɴ ɴαтѕυмι»

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¤ Honeyworks - Confession Rehearsal ¤
Raimon Natsumi

» I'm sorry it's sudden but I've liked you for a long time. «


Natsumi opened her eyes and saw Endou standing before her. Her heart was beating loud and fast and her cheeks were burning hot red. She couldn't bear to look at the brown haired boy. "That was just a confession rehearsal! There's no way I was serious!" The girl hurried, while avoiding Endou's stare.

Natsumi took a deep breath and smiled. "So how it was? Do you think I'm able to make it?" She smirked, already brushing off the fact that she had almost confessed to her crush. There's no way, she would admit it.

Endou flashed a kind smile at the girl. "I'm sure the guy you're confessing to will fall for you."

Natsumi felt the temperature rising, but kept on a straight face. "Hey, how about we go to have something to eat?" Yes. It was good to take a small detour on the way home. She wanted to be longer with him. Endou glanced at the auburn-head and nodded while smiling. "Let's have some ramen in Rairaiken."

They did as the captain suggested, even though Natsumi wasn't very fond of the idea. When she had suggested something to eat, she meant a gorgeous five star restaurant or at least something higher class than noodles - but at least, Endou looked satisfied.

Once they had stuffed their stomachs, a car came to pick Natsumi up from the shops' entrance and she parted ways with Endou. They waved at each other, promising to meet at soccer practice the next day.

As soon as she made it home, Natsumi took off her uniform and went to take a bath. She entered the bathtub and slowly dived in. The girl spaced out in the bath, with only her head dry, staring at the bumbling water. It was going to happen tomorrow - the day she would finally confess her feelings to Endou.

She had liked him for so long already, and had tried many times to confess her feelings to him, but so far without any effects. After confessing her feelings, she always brushed it off as a joke, being too afraid to hear his answer. What if Endou didn't like her back; it would be too much for her to take.

Natsumi dived under the water, moistening her hair.

It was going to happen tomorrow.

Hopefully Endou would support her.

Sighing loudly, Natsumi then got off the bath and headed to her room. She dried up her hair and put on pajamas. The girl then sat on her bed and took out her phone. Without any further thinking she searched for Endou's number and started typing.

She wrote and then deleted the text and wrote again, only to have the same thing happen again and again. It was painful, her heart beat faster and she couldn't think up of a good message. Eventually, after failing up to send the message Natsumi threw her phone away and sighed loudly.

She hoped that Endou would listen to her.

While still fighting with her own feelings, Natsumi fell into deep sleep.


Natsumi wake up and strolled into the kitchen to have some breakfast. She sat down to eat and turned on the TV, where the current fortune was being told. The girl smiled; the fortune today was on her side, even though she didn't really care about that kind of stuff.

After finishing breakfast she headed out. Before the front door she took a quick glance at the mirror to be sure that she was in perfect form. With an approving nod, the girl then finally headed out.

The whole day seemed to advance so slowly that Natsumi was already breaking apart when she heard the last bell ringing. Endou was going to head to the soccer practice, so she had to hurry and catch him before that. Natsumi rushed towards the brown-heads classroom and finally saw a glimpse of orange-head band. She immediately called his name.

When Endou suddenly turned his head, Natsumi froze completely and ended up lying. "Would you practice with me one more time?" She asked. Inside she wanted to hit herself for being such a coward. Why couldn't she just honest confess her feelings to him? Why all the rehearsal play?

Endou smiled happily. "Well, if you're okay with me."

Natsumi felt her heart beating fastening. She gulped loudly and closed her eyes. "I –like. I li-li-ke. I like-love-arg." No matter how much she tried to say it, no voice was heard. She struggled and struggled, without making any progress from the word 'like'.

"I'm sorry but I really need to hurry to practice, everyone's waiting. Do your best, I'm cheering for you." Endou suddenly said, having stood still for minutes. Natsumi's eyes widened and she panicked when she saw the boy turning around.

"WAIT!" She yelled and grabbed Endou's sleeve without any second thought.

"I'm sorry for lying to you all this time, but you're the one love!" She finally confessed. Her voice was trembling, but still Natsumi wanted to convey her feelings of love. She then looked down while trying to hide her embarrassment and waited for Endou's answer.

The brunette looked extremely surprised of this course of events. His face started to get redder and redder by every passing second and minute. Finally Endou managed to open his mouth while laughing in baffled tone. "I feel the same."

Natsumi opened her eyes in surprise and looked at the smiling Endou.

Was it true?

Had she really heard him right; he liked her back? The girl grinned widely and then glanced at Endou. "Weren't you hurrying for practice, everyone is waiting."

"AH, RIGHT!" Endou returned back to earth, receiving a quiet laugh from Natsumi. He was about to hurry up, but then grabbed the auburn-head's arm. Natsumi got surprised when she was suddenly pulled by a force.

"Why are you taking me along?"

"Why do you think? Because you're our manager... and my girlfriend."

Natsumi wondered if Endou could hear how fast her heart was beating.


» Don't make me like you more than I already do. «  

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