9. «ĸιyαмα нιroтo»

16 3 1

¤ Fudanjuku - Ame Tokidoki Hare Nochi Niji ¤
Kiyama Hiroto

» Sometimes, rainbows will appear after the rain. «


[Kiyama Hiroto was originall reguested by do your best in FFN]  

Hiroto sighed loudly, as he watched the rain pour hard outside the window. He disliked the rain, mainly because the rainclouds reminded the red-head of himself. They especially reflected his past self, the very one, who cried whenever he was left alone. He had tried to brighten himself up, but in the end, once he would be left alone, the tears found fall.

He was so different compared to others. Nagumo expressed his feelings clearly, and one could easily tell by his actions what he was feeling, Midorikawa was also very honest and always dictated the famous quotes and proverbs, and whereas one couldn't tell was Suzuno was thinking about based on his expression, the ice blue-head was sure to deliver them through action.

But Hiroto was so different from them. He couldn't express himself clearly, and his past made him very conscious of himself. He had tried to become a better person by imitating the other children in the Sun Garden, but in the end he could only be himself.

And it was then, that the truth finally hit him. He didn't need pretend to be someone else, he could just be himself.

He could be Hiroto.

"Hiroto are you ready?" Hitomiko questioned from the red-head who had spaced out. Hiroto pulled his glance away from the rain and smiled kindly. His step-sister seemed to be more anxious than usually that day. And it was no wonder, after what it was an important day for them. It was the anniversary of his death.

Hiroto and Hitomiko headed out, and found Reina and Midorikawa waiting for them at the entrance. Midorikawa was wearing a black suit, just like Hiroto. Hitomiko and Reina were both wearing black dresses. "You're slow! Nagumo, Suzuno and their gang already left before us." Reina scolded Hiroto and opened the umbrella.

"I'm sorry. I kind of spaced out." Hiroto apologized earnestly, which made everyone shoot worries glances at him. In the end, Hitomiko wasn't the only one affected by the day. Hiroto started acting weird during their visits at the grave quite often.

After all, ever since he had first come to Sun Garden it had always been his dream. Of course, he knew it was almost impossible, but despite that he wanted to be accepted into the family. He had planned on giving up countless of times, but in the end, the desire was so strong, he wanted to fulfill it.

His efforts weren't pointless. He had finally become what he had always wanted to be.

He was now officially known as Kira Hiroto.

Reina offered Hitomiko to share an umbrella with her, whereas Hiroto and Midorikawa shared the other one. They were short in umbrellas due to Nagumo breaking them apart whenever he was angry. Hiroto listened closely as Midorikawa kept on telling about something he had seen in a TV program, and Reina chatted with Hitomiko.

They came across a puddle created by the rain, and the two boys avoided it, not wanting to ruin their clothes. Hiroto stopped then, and glanced back at the puddle. Midorikawa reacted just fast enough to pause, and covered his friend with the umbrella. Only the tips of Hiroto's hair were soaked.

"What are you doing?" Midorikawa asked, looking worriedly at the spaced out Hiroto. The red-head stared at the puddle for a while and then smiled kindly. "Nothing, just remembering the past." He laughed and Midorikawa tilted his head in confusion. He sighed, blaming Hiroto's weird behavior on the weather and the day.

As the boys resumed walking, Hiroto made a one last glance at the puddle. When exactly had he started to avoid the puddles?

His memories took him to the day he had received brand new white sneakers from father. It was one of the first present he had received and he loved the shoes very much, wearing them every single days. Rainy days were no exception.

He had jumped into the puddle, covering his brand new sneakers in mud.

Hiroto laughed lightly, remembering Hitomiko's expression when he had returned with his supposed-white sneakers being brown. She had scolded him very articulately, and even tried cleaning them up, only to realize that they had permanent brown stains.

Ever since that day, Hiroto had never walked into a puddle again.

"You guys are so slow! We already paid our respects." Nagumo met them, as he was walking away from the family grave together with Suzuno. An and Atsuishi followed them close by, sharing an umbrella. 

Hitomiko spoke with the teens, informing that the dinner was ready. She looked at the orange-head. "I leave everything to you." An smiled at her words.

The four then continued their way to the grave. Hiroto's expression stiffened, once he was standing before the grave stone of Kira family. It was the anniversary of Kira Hiroto's death and everyone from the Sun Garden was paying the respects to the younger brother of Hitomiko.

Hiroto closed his eyes, passing his regards to the death boy, whom he shared his name with. Hitomiko, Reina and Midorikawa did the same. As they stood there praying, they could hear as the rain slowly softened. Eventually only few random drops came into contact with their umbrellas, and finally it ended completely.

The sun started to shine and enlightened the grave stone. Hiroto glanced at Hitomiko who was wearing sad expression and took hold of her hand. "It's alright, smile." He smiled kindly at her, and Hitomiko's eyes widened. Suddenly tears filled her eyes and she embraced Hiroto.

"Oh Hiroto, how much I do love you." She confessed. Hiroto answered to her by returning her hug.

"I love you too, Nee-san." He finally replied. After that he glanced at Midorikawa and Reina and showed them a wide smile. They were the people, whose smile he wanted to protect. He treasured them more than anything in the world.

Midorikawa's eyes widened suddenly. "Look!" He exclaimed, pointing at the crimson sky.

A rainbow had appeared after the rain.


» Just like the rainbow which spans across the future! «  

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