8. «мιdorιĸαwα ryυυjι»

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¤ Pigstar - Kimi = Hana ¤
Midorikawa Ryuuji

» I guess it means to protect itself with those thorns.
It's a flower that only acts strong, quite like you «


[Midorikawa Ryuuji was originally reguested by do your best, pikaree1 and RisingDracyan in FFN.]

He was his savior.

Midorikawa was sitting on the veranda, and watched as a certain red-head was sleeping under the cherry blossom tree in the yard, with a peaceful expression on his face. His expression was bright and Midorikawa could not help but to want stay near him. Just then, a cherry blossom pedal hovered in the air and landed on the red-heads cheek – his face that was accompanied by a smile.

As long as he could remember, they had always been together. Midorikawa's first memories about Hiroto took them all the way to their orphanage years. It was on his third year in the orphanage, since his parent's had abandoned him, when Hiroto was brought to the orphanage. Back in the days, he was a shy but very kind boy and had this special kind of aura in him. It was also the day when the cherry blossoms bloomed.

Throughout the years, Midorikawa became to learn that Hiroto's kindness came from the experiences he had gone through. On the front he kept on a strong act, which Midorikawa became to like, but at the same time his heart was scattered into small pieces. Whenever the night would fall, Midorikawa heard a quiet sobbing in the room next to him, but in the morning Hiroto acted as if nothing had happened. He couldn't remember when it happened, but eventually Hiroto stopped crying at night. He also never shed tears before anyone of the orphanage.

That child became stronger and kinder with every single tear he shed.

And it was his strength that saved Midorikawa.

When they had been announced to become part of the Aliea Academy and fight using the power of Aliea Meteorite, Midorikawa had been disappointed that he didn't make it to the same team as Hiroto. He was more than honored to be appointed as a captain of their representative team Gemini Storm, but at the same time he felt inferiority towards Hiroto. He understood how much stronger the boy was, acting out as the captain of the Top Rank team.

It was only after the fall of Aliea Gakuen when Hiroto showed his worth to own that strength. Midorikawa had lost everything and was at the point of self-destruction, when the red-head approached him. Hiroto brought new light to his life. He gave Midorikawa a reason to live. He became the flower that bloomed in Midorikawa's heart back then. Hiroto became his everything.

Hiroto was his savior.

"Spacing out again? Do you have anything better to do, like studying for the entrance exams?" Came out almost insulting question when Reina entered the veranda. She had tea service and some mochi with her. The girl sat next to Midorikawa and flashed a kind smile at him.

Midorikawa's eyes widened, but soon the ends of his mouth turned upwards. "Just remembering the old times. He kind of saved us all, now didn't he?" The greenette sighed happily while staring at the snoring guy under the cherry blossom tree.

Reina's eyes softened and she turned to look at the red-head. "He was saved by Endou, and he used the power he received to save us. He really is an incredible guy." Her expression was so endearing Midorikawa was taken aback at the sudden comment. The very next second it turned into dreary one, "If only he would use that power of his to study for the entrance exams, I wouldn't have to worry about his future."

The girl stormed off to where the red-head was and pulled him up, startling him awake. The half-awake Hiroto questioned what she was doing, only to get yelled at by Reina for falling asleep in the middle of the day when he should be studying for entrance exams.

Midorikawa watched them going on at each other and chuckled. The scenery was so familiar and only now he realized how much he had missed it. It had become dear to him. Everything in the house had become dear to him he wouldn't let go of it no matter what. Hiroto had become so dear to him, he wouldn't want to leave his side.

Hiroto's sudden comment made Midorikawa freeze.

"But I told Ryuuji to wake me up. We promised to have a study session together." He wasn't simply shifting the blame on him, it was something they really had promised to do. The thing was, having spaced out Midorikawa had completely forgotten about it. Reina's eyes flamed and she ran to Midorikawa. This time it was his turn to get scolded while Hiroto had a good laugh about it.

The red-head chuckled. "Then how about we have some tea and then start the study session?" He suggested, to which the two agreed. It was a simple time spend with his family, but to Midorikawa it was something dear. He looked up to the sky and smiled happily. The reason why he could enjoy himself so much, was because of Hiroto.

Hiroto was his savior.

And now it was his turn to remain near him. Despite showing of such kindness and strength, Midorikawa knew Hiroto's strength had its limits. His thorns weren't big enough to protect everything around him. He barely had enough strength to protect himself. He might have stopped shedding tears ever since that night, but he could surely break himself with those thorns meant to protect him.

Midorikawa had made his resolve to remain by Hiroto's side, no matter what the other one was going through. Whenever Hiroto wouldn't have the strength to support himself anymore, this time it was Midorikawa's turn to pull him up again. Even if Hiroto was to hurt himself and the others, Midorikawa would stay near him and protect him.

"What is it?" Hiroto questioned, after having noticed Midorikawa staring at him.

Midorikawa smiled and reached his hand towards Hiroto. "You have a cherry blossom petal in your hair."

Even if his hand would be hurt by the small thorns, he wouldn't let go of Hiroto's hand.


 » With such small thorns, it's impossible to protect anything. 
It really is just acting strong, the flower «

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