Chapter 1

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*Book 2 of the series that i have written, longer than the first and a great write for you* 

*Please remember that there are mature scenes and if you do not want to read them, please just scroll past, thank you :)*

Hunters POV

I looked over at the woman who lay next to me, one wing neatly folded behind her while the other wing covered her, her hair in a mess from stirring in her sleep and her breathing deep and slow. She really doesn't know what she does to me or how I feel. Being a demon meant I was strong, evil and to be feared and the dark blood line was the strongest of them all, even though we were cast aside when they found out my mother was dabbling in witchcraft. Demons weren't meant to do such things but luckily for her, the council needed such powers.

Willow's nightmares had come back after that incident with the werewolf and his friend but somehow she seemed to come back a little every day. Willow sort of closed off a little towards me and I felt like I needed to do something. I heard my phone vibrate and I picked it up to see a message from the council

We need you to please attend the meeting today. It is rather important Hunter.

I sighed and kissed Willow's shoulder and got out of bed and climbed into the shower, the water hit my skin and it felt like gentle kisses on my skin, I then thought of Willow and how close we got, how brave she got and how amazing it felt to have her hold me that night in the cave. She doesn't know much about this world yet but she does know how to make me weak.

I washed up and got out the shower, as I was wrapping the towel around me I heard her

''NO!'' she screamed and I ran to her bedside ''MOM DON'T GO'' I tried to wake her up but her skin started to heat up and her horns grew a little longer

''Willow!'' I shook her ''Wake up!'' I shook her violently again and her shot open and she shot up in bed looking at me bewildered

''I am sorry Hunter'' she softly spoke ''they come and go each night''

''I know'' I smiled ''just remember that you are safe here'' I ran my fingers along her jawline ''baby I have to go into a meeting at the council today''

Her head dropped and she pushed passed me out of bed and her shirt, well my shirt, hung just low enough to just faintly cover her sweet ass and she walked out of the room. I sighed to myself, I know she didn't like me leaving her after all that has happened but I need to shut that market down so she can roam this place. She can get out and see the world, here and up there.

I put my suit on, gelled my hair and put my cologne on and walked out the room into the kitchen while putting my watch

''Willow I know you want me to stay but I have work'' I said politely to her as she turned from the fridge back to the stove. She was making pancakes and bacon with eggs, my favourite

''Willow will you talk to me?'' I asked her and she turned around to face me

''I know you have to work Hunter but I don't want you to go'' she snapped ''you come and go and I sit here, alone until you come back''

My face fell, she really wanted me around and I wanted to be there and with that my phone rang

''Hello'' I answered and it was Lord Hann

''We have word that something was found in the Black Market today''

''Yes go on'' I answered as Willow carried on with breakfast

''they say it has something to do with you'' he cleared his throat ''I think it may be your ex-girlfriend, the one you were seeing that time ago after your mothers passing''

My heart landed in my feet as Willow placed breakfast in front of me and rolled her eyes

''Alexa?'' I asked ''But that can't be, she fled this world after it all''

"Well she is there and we have sent the scout to find her exact location and try and make a wage with the owner but we cannot be too careful''

"Don't let him go just yet" I sighed "she needs to be there after a little while"

"Okay Hunter, you know how that world works better than anyone, see you in an hour for the meeting"

I ended the call and sighed and placed my head in my hands

''Hunter...'' Willow placed her hands on my shoulder ''I am sorry for earlier and I know you need to go, I love you''

I glanced at her and smiled ''and I you but I must go''

I grabbed a pancake and left home, heading towards the council.

Of Feathers and Fire - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now