Chapter 10

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Hunter POV

''Lord Hann I wish to please speak in front of the council regarding a matter that I think you will find rather welcoming'' I smiled at Lord Hann and he smirked

''Proceed Hunter'' Lord Glacier spoke before Lord Hann

I got off from my chair and made my way in front of the council member and pulled out my mother's book

''my mother left this for me to discover'' I held up the book ''this is the key to bringing down the black market''

''A book...'' Lord Hann spoke while rubbing his chin ''what of it?''

''this contains findings my mother made on her mission to protect the Earth Phoenix from being captured by the catchers'' I sighed ''she spent years in between worlds watching over and protecting Willow, it would seem her ''family'' were just sent by the leader to take ''care'' of her until she comes of age''

All the council members nodded

''Willow has met the leader who posed as her uncle'' I stated

''Your mother confided in me regarding certain findings Hunter but she never told me this'' Lord Hann spoke ''she must have been quite busy''

''Yes Lord Hann she was'' I passed a picture of Willow and her ''uncle'' around ''you see that man is the leader and I have a plan to draw him out''

The council looked at me with shock written all over their faces

''Hunter, do you think a simple quick made plan will bring him down?'' Lord Glacier asked

''Yes'' I said firmly ''he is after Willow, we can use her as bait, draw him out, let them spend some time together so he learns to trust her and then take him down''

The council members muttered amongst themselves

''And what are the terms?" Lord Hann asked

''My terms are that Willow is to be protected 24/7 by guards under an invisibility spell. No one but her and I can see them'' I started ''Willow is to be left alone while she is there, no contact whatsoever'' I looked down ''and I will be back and forth between worlds to make sure everything is going according to plan''

''And you will report back to us'' Lord Nelth interjected

I nodded

''Well then'' Lord Hann stood ''I can see the urgency in your eyes Hunter to make Willow and this place safe again but bare this in mind'' he started straight into my eyes ''no place will ever be safe for that girl while she lives down here''

''Then that will be my other condition'' I stepped forward ''she will have the councils protection like all other creatures down here''

''Yes I agree'' Lord Nelth stood ''we have fought this for long enough''

''This is hell!'' Lord Glacier stood ''this isn't meant to be la la land''

''I agree but we are not all bad here Lord Glacier, you are on this council to try and make this a better place for all'' I spoke up

''Fine'' Lord Hann spoke as he raised his hand in the air ''she is granted protection''

I bowed to show my respect ''thank you councillors and the plan is put into action tomorrow''

They all nodded and I left.

Once I had reached home I looked towards the house and then it all hit me like a ton of bricks. I am really putting Willow in a dangerous space, she could her caught in the cross fire more personally than I imagined, what if the leader really harms her or tries something?

My heart started to pound, Willow...

Willow POV

I wonder what he is doing sitting in the car, I mentally sighed to myself. He isn't happy but he isn't...wait, he is worried. My mark is feeling rather strange.

I walked out the front door and towards his car and knocked on the window, the window was coming down

''Hunter why aren't you coming inside?'' I smiled

He looked at me with tears brimming in his eyes

''I am scared for your safety Willow'' he croaked ''my plan seemed great until I was hit with the things that might go wrong'' he sighed and got out the car.

He wrapped his arms around my shoulders and held me close

''I will never ask you to do anything like this again'' he whispered ''never again''

I could feel the worry emanating off of him, I felt the tears start landing on my wings

''Hunter let go'' I said wriggling out of his arms and I looked up at him ''I will be fine''

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