Chapter 20

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Keenan POV

I had high hopes for Willow in the hands of Griffen than my own, I knew for a fact he wouldn't let them harm her. The way he looked at her when he walked passed her cell was enough to break your heart, your soul and everything else around you. Many beasts have come and gone but her, she was something special.

She stopped crying, she stopped showing any signs of pain and she just stood. She stood for everything I was too ashamed to and what killed me the most was that helping her was something I really wanted to do. I got Hunter into contact with Griffen and boy, did that take a lot of convincing to do.

''Keenan'' I heard the boss shout ''here''

I walked over to the spot he gestured I walk to

''Where did she go?'' he growled ''where did they go?"

''I don't know Sir'' I said softly ''I was cleaning the upper levels and when I saw that she was gone I called for you''

I lied, I lied through my teeth to save her

''Kill him'' he ordered ''this disgrace is too much''

And with that, the last sound I heard, was a gun being pulled

Griffen POV

I knew her feeling all too well, as a youngling my wings were taken by the man I worked for and he took my tail, he took my life away that day and that anger boiled inside me like wildfire. She was young, so young and her anger would fuel a larger fire to being everything around her down. Hunter really lost her for good and he lost himself in the passions of alcohol and revenge. She trusted me, in a way that only she knows.

I sighed and started at the ground, this is it for me. I have nothing but this ''reward'' if you call it for delivering a girl, no, a phoenix back to the person whom had created more of a demon inside himself, if that was possible.

I dialled Hunter, he must know something

''Hunter here'' he answered in a swirl

''Hunter, Griffen, do you have any idea where she would go?'' I asked

''You worried about that one?'' he laughed ''don't be, she can hold her own and besides I am no longer needed in her life so yea I don't care''

''This is a serious matter Hunter'' I began to curl my fists until my knuckles turned white ''she needs help''

''She needs you Griffen'' he sighed, very sadly ''more than me''

''You are probably right Hunter only because I am a beast myself'' I replied

''No Griffen, she needs you'' he wailed on the other line ''I saw the way you looked at her and she at you'' he scoffed ''and I am meant to be the one for her''

''Yea sorry'' I decided to muster up the courage ''but I guess since the mark is gone she is free to make her own way''

''Yes'' Hunter admitted through gritted teeth ''check the mountains at the back of my house'' he said ''she may not be able to fly there but she probably decided to take a walk there''

I ended the call and started towards the mountains he was talking about, I knew those mountains and I knew their power.

Hunter POV

I sighed inwardly, he was right and he was blunt about it. I stared at the mountains from the glass door and my heart started to break further. She is still such a beautiful girl. My girl.

I took another swig from my glass and the whiskey trailed down my numb throat and it felt like home, the new home I created, the one I knew would shatter should she chose him over me. I know she wants nothing to do with me and she wants everything to do with him.

I didn't realise that this would happen once she got out... I had hoped that maybe she would take one look at me and then she would love me. I stopped and looked in the mirror with that thought still lingering in my head, my suit was all untidy, my shirt half tucked on one side and my pants creased, my jacket was all torn in some places. My face looked drained, my eyes were sunken in and my skin was grey.

''Oh Willow'' I sighed as I broke the mirror with my fist ''you are one woman I will never forget''

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