Chapter 16

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Hunter POV

I was nervous when it came to things like this. When I went on my bender way before I met Willow, I was contacted by an unknown number to meet. Let's just say it didn't turn out to be as pleasant as I thought it would be, but if it has to do with Willow, maybe I can try.

Who is this?

I responded and sighed as I rubbed my face, I was letting what my mom was saying to me sink in, I was going to invade her dreams, her space. What if she couldn't sleep? What if they had her on drugs? My poor baby.

We don't have time to play this game. Meet me at 85 Corner Street.

Willow POV

Keenan has come to see me at least twice a day now since the whole kiss incident. I still felt bad about it because if Hunter found out... Hunter I repeated in my head and that name sounded so distant to me.

I sighed and walked around the cell a few times and I finally stopped to listen, it was eerily quiet outside, not a roar and defiantly not a scratch. I haven't heard it this quiet since he came to visit me. A shiver crept up my spine when I finally heard the sound of his boots walking towards the entrance to the cells but the heaviness of them didn't seem to match.

I started to panic a little, why were all the prisoner's quiet and why... my thoughts were interrupted when my cell door flew open and a rush of power and energy flooded the room. This man was huge, his height dwarfed my own, and he bent over a little and walked into my cell, sat on the bed and the cell door closed.

''Willow'' he said in a low growl

The way my name rolled off of his tongue sent shivers through my body, my skin tingled and my core started to dampen. I stood there silently, I didn't want to alarm this man with my tiny voice.

He looked up at me after sometime and I nearly dropped to my knees. His eyes were the brightest green that I had ever seen, his skin flawless and his lips, even though they were pressed into a line were plump and ripe for kissing. I raked over him and landed on his hands which were intertwined together in front of him, I wonder what those hands were capable of, I got wetter.

''I can smell your arousal from here'' he growled again ''and please keep those type of thoughts under wrap''

I stiffened

''Yes I can hear your thoughts'' he stated, almost sarcastically ''my name is Griffen''

''Yes'' I replied

''Yes?'' he asked

''I like that name'' I replied

''I am here to take you to get done for the auction...'' he said and shook his head as if he were getting rid of a thought ''but there are some pre preparations that need to be done''

The words hit me like a ton of bricks, was I in here for that long that it was time already. A single tear made its way down my face as my legs buckled and let my body hit the floor. I pushed myself up and leant against the wall, all the while Griffen was staring at me. Why couldn't he just avert his eyes! I'm a mess and I'm defiantly not someone who should be looked at by someone of his calibre, I am a prisoner, an outcast and a very sad person. My mark is dead, Hunter most probably has a new girl by now and I... I am alone.

''You are worthy'' I heard him speak in my mind and my phoenix, what was left of her started to stir ''you haven't been tossed aside and by all means, don't ever think of him again, if you want I can take you away from here, to my house where you will be my slave''

My eyes widened at his offer, his words.

''What are the preparations?'' I asked, trying to sound confident

His eyes dulled a little and he almost smiled but he hid it well

''It is a physical and seeing as you have been in here we need to make sure you look good on the outside'' he sat up and looked at me dead on ''remove your clothes''

My knees went weak again, how I missed being told what to do.

Hunter POV

I threw him up against the wall and held him there with my fists in tangled in his shirt

''What kind of sick game is this?!'' I screamed in his face, I wasn't going to let the other side of me out, no matter how loud they were screaming at me

He still laughed as the blood oozed out of his nose and mouth

''Boy hitting me will do you no good'' he said ''but if you are lucky enough you may make the special auction I have set up for her''

Shen was smug, he was clever and he knew my weak points.

''How could I possibly believe you?'' I spat and I let him go and he slumped onto the floor

'' I have my best man on the job right now and he will make sure she is prepped and ready to go in the next couple of days.'' He smiled again, but this smile was pure evil ''he has to make sure she is ready and who knows, when a Griffen and a Phoenix mix, their beasts call to each other immediately''

No... I whispered in my mind, that cannot be true, Willow, my Willow. A memory flashed into my mind, the day she first told me she loved me, the way her eyes sparkled and her skin lit up. The way my heart sped up at her words.

''She will be yours no longer Hunter, your mother forgot one thing'' he said as he hauled himself up onto his feet ''beasts chose their partners and though her's may have called to you, it was only the binding spell''

I wanted to punch the living shit out of him but for some reason, his words actually made sense. Beasts are normally tied together at the soul level, magic is weak against that. I let my shoulders shrug down in defeat as Shen walked over to me and laid his hand on my shoulder

''She will be gone'' he said as he let go and walked away ''745 Klipper Street at 7'' he said as he disappeared.

I fell to my knees and I felt defeated, I am too late.

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