Chapter 1

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Kyoko was getting dressed and ready to start school. After her Dad had become head teacher at this new school they had moved, meaning she had to attend a completely new school. She didn't know anyone yet so it was going to be interesting to meet her new class mates.

As she was doing up her tie a song started to play on her phone, Wake Me Up When September Ends by Green Day. She liked Green Day but right now she was trying to be positive about going to this new school. Sighing she turned off the radio just as it got to the chorus, "Let's hope I don't want to woken up once September ends" she muttered to herself.

"Hey Kyoko are you nearly ready we are going to be late!" Her Father, Jin Kirigiri, called from downstairs.

She grabbed her bag and the left her room and shut her bedroom door after her. Once downstairs she saw her father waiting for her arms crossed and wanting to leave.

"Have you eaten?" He asked her.

She lied and nodded her head, she hadn't been hungry. Jin gave her a look he could tell that she was lying but right now all he wanted to do was get to work.

"Come on then" he hurried her out of the house and over to his car. Kyoko opened the passenger door of the car and got in not saying a word. Jin jumped in the drivers side and together they began to drive off to Hope's Peak Academy.

The pair were silent along the way until Jin sighed and said to Kyoko "Please try and be friendly, and actually make some friends this time"

At her last school Kyoko hadn't made any friends and people always saw her as the odd outcast, especially with the fact she wore gloves all year round. The only reason she wore the gloves was to cover her nasty burnt skin which had happened a few years ago.

"I tried last time but kids my age just don't like me" she replied as she looked out of the window.

"Give them a chance, everyone at Hope's Peak have talents like you"

"Are any as gruesome as being the Ultimate Detective?" She asked.

Jin had to think for a while before he finally replied, "There's the Ultimate Soldier"

"Have you met him?" Kyoko asked.

"Her, and yes I've met all of them, I agreed to take them on at the school" he replied.

They then both fell into silence and once Jin had parked his car in the staff car park they both got out. The building was huge, Kyoko hadn't seen it before and it was bigger than she had expected. Slinging her bag over her shoulder she went towards the entrance until Jin grabbed her arm. She looked up at him and he kissed her head and hugged her tightly, "Have a good day" he smiled at her.

"You too" she replied as he let go of her and disappeared into the building, sighing she walked round to the front entrance.

Lots of students had gathered together outside if the building before the bell was going to ring. Kyoko looked around and she could feel several eyes looking at her, she really felt like an outsider here. Oh well, she thought soon I will fit in and no one will notice me.

Loudly the bell rung and everyone began to rush towards the school, she had no idea where she was going but she followed a group of people who looked to be the same age as her. Turned out they were the wrong group of students and a teacher ended up escorting her to the right classroom. Humiliated already she walked in and the rest of the class were already there and sat at and on desks talking to each other. The teacher was slumped at the front of the room in his chair and he glanced at Kyoko when she entered the room.

"Oh you must be Kyoko" he sighed, "This is free time before your lessons so do what ever you please" He then picked up his newspaper and put it in front of his face.

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